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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


Local food for holiday feasts (LF4HF)

Profile picture for user Ivana Ćuk.
Community Hero (Gold Member).

In light of the upcoming holidays, we are adding a new dimension to our FL4LF concept - LF4HF

In anticipation of the holidays and feasts - Will you have locally sourced products on the festive table? 🥦🍗🥚Will your cherished Christmas dinner and other meals during the period feature in-season produce? 🍎🥕🥔 Afford local, seasonal, organic food and support local farmers! 👏
🎉 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the FL4LF project team! 🇦🇹  🇮🇹  🇷🇸

The trigger for this discussion is the Food Literacy for Local Food (FL4LF) project (2022-2-RS01-KA210-ADU-000101821), co-funded by the European Union as part of the Erasmus+ programme.

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