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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


Young Ethical Leaders Project Finalisation Results News

Young Ethical Leaders project had finished! Project had the primary goal to encourage effective self-employment for youngsters through the learning of personal branding techniques and ethical leadership. The partnership for Young Ethical Leaders included 6 organisations, 2 secondary level schools, 1 small and medium enterprise, 2 associations and 1 counseling body from France, Italy, Russia, Bulgaria, Greece, and Romania.

The primary target of our project were school students at 4th or 5th year and youngsters in the class of ages 16-25. This target reached directly benefits from the adoption and practices of content included in the three intellectual outputs. Secundary target were VET centres, educators, trainers, teachers wanting to extend the practice of "Young Ethical Leaders" project through the adoption of one or more methodologies included in the project (ie replicating the Course - O2) .


Our project achieved the following secondary goals:

a) to increase internationalisation of young self-employed workers through online networking activities facilitated by the e-learning Platform (O3)

b) to increase creativity for business ideas in youngsters

c) to encourage policies and initiatives directed toward youngsters in order to reduce demotivation and NEET percentages

At the end of this project, partners will promote 6 multiplier events with at least 155 participants designed for

a) encourage the adoption of the three intellectual outputs

b) discuss and promote sustainability strategies for the project

c) motivate youngsters by the celebration of the International Prize "Young Ethical Leaders"

The project included the organization and the celebration of the International Prize "Young Ethical Leader" dedicated to participants who started the career as freelance within the project's lifetime through the aid of intellectual output distributed. The winner been defined by international voting conducted by website users that have to evaluate the business ideas on the following scales: communication, personal branding, originality and leadership. After, the first evaluation, national winners been defined. A second evaluation will be done attributing a weighted evaluation of 50/50 of international voting by users and experts at Italy TM. The final winner will be celebrated during the final dissemination event to do in Paris in December 2022. The website been first method of advertising for self-employed profiles and for youngsters in the process of creating new ideas. Moreover, this function will allow participants to submit a form for the participation to the International Prize "Young Ethical Leaders", whose celebration is set during each Multiplier Event of this project. We had created 3 IOs Multilingual E-Learning Platform for Future ; Become a Young Ethical Leader Through Self Employment Guide; Personal Branding for Young Leaders Methodology and Trainers Guide 

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