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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

20 Feb

World Day of Social Justice 2020 - Roundtable Discussion Event

Malta, Floriana
Profile picture for user Mahira.
Mahira Spiteri

To mark the World Day of Social Justice, the Malta Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society, would like to invite you for a roundtable discussion event focusing on poverty.


The event will start with a keynote address by Dr Sue Vella entitled “Solidarity Not Stigma: Poverty relief as a right?”


The keynote address will argue the need to promote an ethic of solidarity in the face of persistent poverty rates over time. A brief overview of the impact of poverty on individuals and their communities will be followed by an outline of poverty trends in Malta for the years 2004 to 2018, covering different measurements of poverty and highlighting groups at greatest risk.


The silence of poverty will then be discussed, as will the concepts of shame, stigma and the undeserving poor as these developed over time and still prevail today. The role of the media in shaping public attitudes to poverty will also be touched upon, as will the critical role of NGOs. Perspectives on social justice will be used to illustrate the arguments for and against the right to poverty alleviation, making an argument in favour of an ethic of solidarity.


The address will conclude by identifying a few key issues for debate around the table, such as whether participants see any potential in a pilot trial of Universal Income; how best to pursue the ‘living wage’ goal; ensuring benefit adequacy and uptake; the coordination and personalisation of poverty-related services; and a broad NGO-media coalition to tackle public knowledge and attitudes about poverty.


Following this discussion event, the event will conclude by light refreshments and an opportunity to network.


The roundtable discussion will be taking place:


Date: 20th February 2020

Time: 5pm - 7pm

Venue: The Malta Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society, St. Calcedonius Square, Floriana (in front of the Curia).

Event Details
As planned
Organiser type
Other event
Organiser name
The Malta Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society
Contact details
Places are very limited. Kindly send your RSVP by sending an email to by not later than Tuesday, 18th February 2020.
Attending fee

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