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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

3 Feb


Germany, Würzburg
Community Hero (Gold Member).

The international Winter School “Comparative Studies on Adult Education and Lifelong Learning“ is dedicated to analysing and comparing international and European strategies in lifelong learning. Social policy models, lifelong learning strategies in Europe, including selected European countries, will be analysed in a critical way. Furthermore, a subtopics of lifelong learning have been chosen  in order to do an in-depth comparison and analysis of the situation in various European countries. Read more about programme of the Winter School: 

Adult education professionals affiliated with EAEA can receive a travel and subsistence grant to participate in the Winter School for one week or two weeks. The grant can received by those working for an EAEA member organization (or a member of an EAEA member), or former participants of the EAEA Younger Staff Training. Read more about the grant: Winter school 2020 call_EAEA practitioners:…

Winter School is organised by Julius-Maximilian University Würzburg.

Event Details
As planned
Event type
Professional development event
Event website
Organiser type
Other event
Organiser name
Winter School is organised by Julius-Maximilian University Würzburg.
Contact details
Number of delegates
100 - 200
Target group
Adult learning networks & organisations
Aims and objectives
The International Winter School on Comparative
Studies in Adult Education and Lifelong Learning is
organized annually by the University of Würzburg in
Würzburg, Germany, together with international
The Winter School is an occasion to discuss the key
concepts of Paulo Freire’s "Pedagogy of the
Oppressed’ and education as a practice of freedom,
to learn more about international strategies in
adult education, to visit adult education providers
and to participate in a comparative analysis of a
topic of your choice.
It is also a unique occasion to bring together MA and
PhD students from Europe and beyond together with
adult education professionals, encouraging a rich
exchange of perspectives.
In 2020, the school will also include a few sessions
organised specifically for adult education
professionals, which will focus on advocacy for adult
education at the European and global level.
Attending fee
Themes addressed

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