Unaccompanied minors : support and inclusion in the European Union
Support and inclusion of Unaccompanied Minors in European Union
This event is planned in the framework of an erasmus + Projet. It’s the final dissemination event of 2 years project, about the support and inclusion of unaccompanied minors in European union, by the training of stakeholders.
Project leader : Ligue de l'enseignement du Pas-de-Calais
Place: European Economic and Social Committee, rue Belliard 99, room VMA3, Brussels, Belgium
10:00-12:00 : presentation of results, testimonies, advocacy...
12:00 : Free lunch buffet
Mandatory registration (free) : lmartin@ligue62.org
The objectives of this event is to allow to learn more about unaccompanied minors situation in Europe, and to get tools for better support and inclusion of migrant childs in European Union.
To know more about good practices of support and inclusion of Unaccompanied minors in EU
To get various concrete tools for better support and inclusion
To participate to an advocacy for better inclusion of unaccompanied minors in Europe