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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


Turning Ideas into Action

Oscar Argumosa
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).

Member entities of the consortium (Creativity Works Preston, Young Lancashire, Bootroom Academies, European Learning Network) improved their organisational capacity, project management skills and international projection by employing a learning process called Dragon Dreaming which took place in an innovative and motivating educational environment.


The course “Dragon dreaming methodology for educational staff: designing creative, collaborative and sustainable projects and organisations” was a 10-day training course, held on December 2019 in Spain. It was provided by Permacultura Cantabria and attended by 3 participants from each consortium member. This course provided participants with valuable tools on entrepreneurship, group facilitation and inclusion.


With regards to the project’s outcomes and impacts, some professionals trained to perform this task for the first time whilst those involved in the project design and management in the consortium organisations incorporated the knowledge, tools and tips of the Dragon Dreaming method to their professional background. Either way, both learned to motivate and engage their students in all phases of the project. 


The video of this wonderful experience is in:


The activity was co-funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union.

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