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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


Teacher 4.0 - Newsletter 4

Katarzyn Rak

Newsletter 4 - Teacher 4.0; no: 2019-1-PL01-KA201-065137

Newsletter content: TPM in Turin (Italy), LTTA in Portugal - Collaborative Robots


On October 6th and 7th, a TPM meeting was held in Turin, Italy with all partners of the Erasmus Teacher 4.0 Projects. At this meeting, issues related to intellectual products IO1 and IO2 were discussed. Remembering, the first is to produce modules and lesson plans related to industry 4.0 that is intended to be transferred to educational practice. The second product consists of the production of videos to support the development of IO1 modules and respective plans. The plans are designed to be used by teachers who have little knowledge of Information and communication technologies, significantly expanding access to industry 4.0 tools, valuing in this context an inclusive attitude.

This meeting also dealt with issues related to the LTTA that will be held in Portugal. This LTTA will take place from October 25th to 29th at the Moure and Ribeira do Neiva Schools Group, located in Vila Verde, Braga district. In this event, the focus will be given to the construction of collaborative robots, which help teachers in teaching 4.0 technologies to their students. This event will have the support of the group of Schools of Moure and Ribeira do Neiva Casa do Conhecimento in VilaVerde and the skill robotics company. All materials produced will then be available to all interested parties.


Collaborative robots don't have to be expensive is the challenge launched by the partners in Portugal. The construction of robots that help teachers in the students learning process constituted an important resource in their contemporary educational practices.
These features facilitate student profile development for the 21st century.

Thus, training will be carried out in Portugal with the aim of developing didactic resources that can be used by teachers who do not have specific training in information and communication technologies, in the context of the construction of these robots. The training will be given in the Group of Schools of Moure and Ribeira do Neiva, located in Vila Verde, belonging to the district of Braga. It has the support of the Casa do Conhecimento in Vila Verde and the Skillrobotics company.
In this training, teachers will build robots with recycled materials or printed on a 3Dprinter. At the same time, they will program them and test their usefulness, using block programming.

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