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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


The Story of a Turnery Master in Turkey

Profile picture for user hkaygin.
Hüseyin KAYGIN
Community Hero (Gold Member).

Machine technician Göksel Vatandaş and his Romanian wife Laura Citizen met in Romania 20 years ago. The couple married after a while and settled in Istanbul. Laura decided to go to her husband's turnery workshop with him everyday and started to learn the profession of turnery to support the family. She also successfully completed the courses she attended and became a master in turnery profession in 8 years. The couple settled in Marmaris district of Muğla 4 years ago and they started to operate a machine shop in the industrial site.

"We stayed in Istanbul for 17 years. In the process, I entered the turnery profession to help my husband's work intensity. We spent 24 hours together. I have a job that I love very much. Turnery is a very enjoyable and demanding profession. There's nothing a woman can't accomplish, even if it's seen as a man's job," she said.


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