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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

1 Dec

Start your journey with Service Design Thinking

Remote Event
Profile picture for user Per Formare srl Impresa Sociale.
Barbara Piroddi

The ‘’HIATUS’’ project is co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, under the KA2 Strategic Partnerships in the field of education and training action for cooperation, innovation and the exchange of good practices. This project has a duration of 36 months (from November 2021 to November 2024).

This project has an alliance between 8 partners from 5 different countries, 4 from the European Union, such as Italy, Spain, Slovenia and The Republic of North Macedonia, and Turkey.

The partnership develop a platform for the implementation of Service Design Thinking in Professional schools, available here:

In our platform is possible to create their own course, from a template, and every teacher can develop, along with their students a project or a service useful for their social context.

Join us! We're in the experimentation phase and we're looking for new teachers that want to improve their training methodologies.



Event Details
As planned
EU project nr.
Organiser type
Other event
Hybrid event
Target group
Academics, students, researchers in andragogy
Adult learning networks & organisations
Attending fee
Themes addressed

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