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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

25 Mar

Roma: Equality vs Equity Conference

England, Derby
Profile picture for user Andrew Rawson.
Andrew Rawson

The University of Derby, the Multi Faith Centre at the University of Derby and DANCOP are working together to deliver this one day conference. This conference is for all professionals working with Roma communities, including policy makers and local governments. 

It will call on these individuals to debate educational experiences linked with the lived experience of wider communities and cross-professional working. The conference seeks to challenge the current agenda of equality and suggests that moving forward we should be looking at equity. However, this presents a challenge to the way we view, engage and evaluate current practice. This conference hopes to provide the space to discuss and challenge each other around these areas.

Individuals from the Roma community will be key deliverers on the day, and the conference will also offer the opportunity to hear about the latest research around Roma educational experiences and engage in workshops around the key issues raised.


A £15 early-bird rate is available until March 20. You can book onto the conference at the University of Derby website.

Event Details
As planned
Event type
Organiser type
Other event
Organiser name
The University of Derby, the Multi Faith Centre at the University of Derby, and DANCOP
Contact details
Flavia Ojok, DANCOP Project Officer:
Number of delegates
< 100
Target group
Adult learning networks & organisations
Projects & partnerships
Policy makers
Attending fee

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