A model to recognize the skills of low-skilled people.
The second phase of the ENVOL project has as main objective to develop a common positioning model for the four countries involved (Belgium, Italy, Portugal and Spain) of level 1 and level 2 professional learning outcomes. This model (intellectual output #2) aims at strengthening the existing mechanisms of analysis and positioning of:
a) Learning outcomes integrating training benchmarks, and
b) Learning outcomes acquired in non-formal and informal contexts in recognition processes.
As an introduction, it was considered relevant to contextualise and identify the needs of each country that justify the creation of level 1 and 2 qualifications. From the data analysis, it was concluded that:
1. There is still a high rate of adults with low levels of schooling and without any qualification;
2. Adults without qualifications find it difficult to integrate education systems due to the absence of offers of level 1 and 2 qualifications;
3. The labour market also has occupations and jobs that require level 1 and 2 qualifications.
These facts justify the focus on the development of qualifications at the mentioned levels, both in the design of reference systems and in the recognition of learning outcomes from non-formal and informal contexts.
The next step was to present the results of the workshops carried out during the first phase (see intellectual production #1). From the analysis of the level 1 and 2 reference tool of the Horticulture and HoReCa areas it was identified the similarities and differences existing in the descriptors of the levels of the four national qualifications frameworks, having always as reference the European qualifications framework.
Afterwards, a detailed analysis was made of the positioning processes and instruments used in each country. The conclusions drawn from this exercise made it possible to define:
a) the target audience;
b) the end users;
c) application context.
Using the ISCO tool, the occupational groups that require workers with level 1 and 2 qualifications were identified.
Finally, a common positioning model was defined for levels 1 and 2 of the NQF and EQF.
The defined model is based:
1) on a common language that standardises the descriptors of the domains (knowledge, skills and autonomy and responsibility) of each level of the NQFs and allows a transparent translation of the EQF levels;
2) in the use of sub-domains that allow for more precise positioning;
3) in guiding questions;
4) in the use of the terminology and the 2-dimensional table present in Bloom's Taxonomy (1957) revised by Anderson and Krathwohl (2001).
Next phase (intellectual output #3): elaboration of a user guide for this model.
To get informed of the progress of the work, you can follow all the news of the project on its Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/envol2020/.
The results will be available in French and English at the end of the project on its website (https://envol-project.eu, under construction) and on that one of the coordinator, AID Coordination, see: https://www.aid-com.be/en/recognition-and-validation-learning-outcomes).
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible
for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.