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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


The Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology launches a new degree course for prospective teachers in VET

Profile picture for user ramonmangion.
Ramon Mangion
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).
EPALE Ambassador.

WHY was there a need?

MCAST has identified the increasing need for teachers in Vocational Education and Training (VET) who can provide students with the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes.  This need is evident in particular vocational strands like - health and social care, hairdressing and beauty, engineering, agribusiness, retail, media and fashion, which are also taught in secondary schools.


WHO is it intended for?

There are many heroes in society, among which teachers who make a difference in students’ life by teaching vocational subjects in a hands on way and with a direct link to industry. Teaching is truly a vocation. Therefore, if you feel that you love a particular VET subject as those mentioned above, believe to have the skills of helping others progress in their learning, but above all have the right attitudes of a person-centred approach, please give this course due consideration.


HOW is it different?

MCAST has built on its extensive experience in VET and the close relationship with industry related to these fields, to launch the three-year full time Bachelors Degree which focuses on Vocational Education and Training in the light of the 4th Industrial Revolution (BVET4.0). This forward-looking qualification equips participants with real practical industry competences. Therefore, BVET4.0 graduates will be able to work as warranted teachers in compulsory education, other VET institutions as well as mentor students in work-place settings.


WHERE is it offered?

It is offered at MCAST through the Centre for Professional Development. It is a offered in a blended learning approach. This means that besides personal presence in a physical classroom space, learning will also happen online as well as through research and self-study.


WHAT opportunities for further study exist?

After completion of the BVET4.0, graduates who wish to further their studies can enrol in the MCAST Masters in Vocational Education Applied Research 4.0.  This is a part-time, weekend school-based course, which is highly flexible and ideal for working practitioners.  Graduates of BVET4.0 can also continue their studies, both locally and internationally.


WHERE can I get more information from?

If you have obtained your level 4 qualifications and are interested in this degree, you are encouraged to send an email to The educators of the Centre for Professional development will be in contact to guide you. Be on the lookout for the formal application process at MCAST.

An online information session about this programme will take place on the 9th of June at 6pm CET. Further details about this online session will be available in due course at




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