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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

21 Oct

Just2Easy Malta Webinars 2020 - 101 creative ways to teach, learn and assess

Profile picture for user James Callus.
James Callus

Just2Easy, in conjunction with the Directorate for Digital Literacy and Transversal Skills, is once again organising an online training session inviting all educators in Malta to explore different ways how the school tablet can be used to enhance the teaching and learning process. During this online training educators will go through a number of strategies where tablets can be used for teaching and learning opportunities with remarkable ease - making learning with technology fun, engaging, interesting and interactive. Just2easy will cover topics from English, Maths and Science, Geography and Digital Literacy.  Educators will also have the possibility to ask questions.  To apply for this webinar kindly follow this link.

Event Details
As planned
Organiser type
Other event
Attending fee

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