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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

3 Sep

The Ireland Funds Grant Workshop 2019 - Dublin

Ireland, Dublin

Small Grants Round

The Ireland Funds Small Grants Round offers awards up to €10,000 for small community organisations and for organisations that have not previously been supported by The Ireland Funds.  This grant is relevant for adult educators across the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, with one of The Ireland Funds' priorities being Education; Community Development; Arts & Culture; and Peace & Reconciliation.


Workshop Content 

The Ireland Fund are holding a workshop which will examine The Ireland Funds’ 2019 Small Grants Round guidelines. The workshop will include tips on avoiding common mistakes and how to make an application as competitive as possible.

When registering, participants will have the opportunity to pose questions and the workshop will be tailored to the participants. It will be an informal session with time for discussion and Q&A.



Mason Hayes & Curran, South Bank House, Barrow Street, Grand Canal Dock, Dublin 4, Ireland 


The workshop is free to attend but space is limited. You can register here for the workshop. 


Event Details
As planned
Event website
Organiser type
Other event
Organiser name
The Ireland Funds
Contact details
Target group
Adult learning networks & organisations
Projects & partnerships
Attending fee

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