The general aim of the project is to ensure the necessary Institutional Cooperation for adult education and employment and help the adults all over Turkey to continue to live as active citizens by supporting them to acquire modern basic skills. Besides, it is aimed to increase the employability of those who want to participate in employment, but have difficulty in finding jobs themselves.
The specific purpose is to increase the employability of previously convicted adults (ex-convicts) and Supervised Freedom Convicts, who have the priority to be supported as defined in LLL Action Plan 2014-2018 of Turkish Republic Ministry of National Education, by supporting them to participate actively in personal development and job-shadowing programs.
Implementing Agency: Turkish Republic Ministry of National Education
Target Groups: The staff of Public Education Centers, MoNE
The staff of Provincial Directorates of Supervised Freedom, MoJ
Beneficiaries: Ex-convicts, supervised freedom convicts, adults
Stakeholders of the project:
• General Directorate for Punishment and Detention Facilities, Ministry of Justice,
• General Directorate for Employment, Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services,
• The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB),
• The Chamber of Artisans and Craftsmen in Turkey (TESK),
• Independent Industrialists' and Businessmen's Association ( MUSİAD)
In the context of the project ‘National Coordinators for the Implementation of the European Agenda for Adult Learning National Coordinators’;
An international conference for 2 days with the topic 'Best Practices of institutional cooperation for the education and employment of convicts and ex-convicts as disadvantaged group' will be held on 28-29 November 2019 in Antalya, TURKEY.
We would be honored to host you as participants.
If you are interested in, please get in touch through the email address