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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

24 Feb

Increasing adult educators' intercultural competences - TENERIFE

Spain, San Cristobal de La Laguna
Profile picture for user n002hucr.
Anca Dudau

In more and more globalized and multicultural societies, teachers and adult educators need to upgrade their cross-cultural competences. In this course, teachers and adult educators will reflect on concepts such as ethnocentrism, racism, discrimination, segregation etc. and get insights Geert Hofstede’s studies on cultural differences.

Taking into account the current situation with migrants, refugees, asylum seekers and adults with low incomes, teachers and adult educators need to improve their cultural understanding and flexibility skills. In this course, teachers and adult educators will improve their intercultural communication skills, empathy, tolerance and mental and behavioral flexibility. They will also discuss and reflect on concepts such as ethnocentrism, racism, discrimination, segregation etc. and get insights on how to teach them in creative ways. The participants will also increase their cultural awareness by getting familiar with Geert Hofstede’s five cultural dimensions that he developed based on his studies in over 50 countries.

When teachers and learners come from different cultures, a series of challenges may arise. The participants to this course will reflect on the difference between the expected teacher/learner and learner/teacher interactions. They’ll learn Hofstede’s dimensions of cultural differences: Individualism vs Collectivism, large vs small Power Distance, strong vs weak Uncertainty Avoidance, Masculinity vs Femininity. The task of adaptation in cross-cultural learning situations should primarily be on the teachers‘ shoulders, and, only by setting an example first can they teach intercultural skills to their learners also.

The nature of this course is highly practical and hands on, so the participants will experience themselves the methods of building intercultural competences while also reflecting on how to apply them to their context.

Event Details
As planned
Event type
Professional development event
Event website
Organiser type
Other event
Organiser name
TENERIFE COURSES, EDUPLUS non-profit organization
Registration URL
Contact details or 0034 632 8676 683.
Aims and objectives
Improve intercultural competences and cultural awareness.
Understand on the realities of immigrant/refugees/asylum seekers learners.
Reflect on concepts like ethnocentrism, racism, discrimination, segregation etc.
Increase self-awareness about cultural differences.
Develop cross-cultural empathy, flexibility and tolerance for ambiguity.
Learn how to apply the cultural differences based on Geert Hofstede’s theory.
Exchange best practices with other teachers and adult educators on how to handle difficult situations with learners from vulnerable backgrounds.
Get inspired on how to encourage a stimulating and open learning environment and foster collective learning.
Recognition / certification of participation
Certificate of attendance and Europass.
Attending fee

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