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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

7 Feb

How to Create a Business (Jak začít podnikat)

Remote Event
Profile picture for user futureg.
Livia Bott

Enter the world of entrepreneurship with the 🍃GreEn - Green Entrepreneurship 🍃 project and our tutor @Livia Bott Domokos.
Your participation in the project is💰FREE.
You can sign up here
We will send you a link to the broadcast upon registration.
Come learn with us how to start your own business:
💡How to identify and analyze market opportunities
💡How to create a functional Business Model Canvas
💡How to develop your entrepreneurial skills
💡How to build strong customer relationships
💡How to achieve success in business

About the lecturer Livia Bott Domonkos:
Director of FutuReg. She studied management at Comenius University in Bratislava and later worked in international organizations in the field of health and environment. She gained experience in the IT sector in corporations, but mostly worked in the non-profit sector, where she still works with educational institutions and the government sector. She has travelled and studied extensively abroad, where she has participated in international projects that have broadened her know-how and opened up issues at the local level. She is a mother, a mediator, a manager. As a university lecturer, she is interested in research methodology, sociology and project management. She has two children who are her handbook of good practice in education. At the Department of International Management she also lectures a subject Entrepreneruship in EU at Comenius Unviersity Bratislava.

More about the project 🍃 GreEn - Green Business 🍃

In this international project, we want to give existing and aspiring women entrepreneurs the opportunity to better promote their business and at the same time raise their awareness of sustainability issues and environmental aspects of business.
The educational part of the project includes a total of 9 educational modules of 3 hours each.
The modules include both online sessions (webinars) and self-study materials.
The pilot part of the educational project started in September 2023 with the first webinar.
Further modules will be implemented between February and June 2024.
The GreEn - Green Entrepreneurship project is implemented by Rovnovážka in cooperation with the Slovak organisation Futureg and the Spanish organisation Adesos. The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme. 



Vstupte do světa podnikání s projektem 🍃GreEn - Zelené podnikání 🍃 a s naší lektorkou @Livia Bott Domokos.
Vaše účast v projektu je💰ZDARMA.
Přihlásit se můžete zde
Odkaz na vysílání vám zašleme na základě registrace.
Přijďte se s námi naučit, jak začít podnikat:
💡Jak identifikovat a analyzovat příležitosti na trhu
💡Jak vytvořit funkční Business Model Canvas
💡Jak rozvíjet své podnikatelské dovednosti
💡Jak vybudovat silné vztahy se zákazníky
💡Jak dosáhnout úspěchu v podnikání

O lektorce Lívii Bott Domonkos:
Ředitelka organizace FutuReg. Vystudovala management na Univerzitě Komenského v Bratislavě, později pracovala v mezinárodních organizacích v oblasti zdravotnictví a životního prostředí. V sektoru IT nabyla zkušeností v korporacích, nejvíce však působila v neziskovém sektoru, kde spolupracuje dodnes se vzdělávacími institucemi a se státním sektorem. Hodně cestovala a studovala v zahraničí, kde participovala na mezinárodních projektech, které jí rozšířily know-how a otevřely otázky na lokální úrovni. Je matkou, mediátorkou, manažerkou. Jako vysokoškolský lektor se věnuje metodologii výzkumu, sociologii a projektovému managementu. Má dvě děti, které jsou její příručkou dobré praxe v oblasti výchovy.
Více o projektu 🍃 GreEn - Zelené podnikání 🍃
V rámci tohoto mezinárodního projektu chceme dát stávajícím i začínajícím podnikatelkám příležitost svoji činnost lépe propagovat a zároveň zvyšovat jejich povědomí o otázkách udržitelnosti a o environmentálních aspektech podnikání.
Vzdělávací část projektu obsahuje celkem 9 vzdělávacích modulů po 3 hodinách.
Moduly obsahují jednak online setkávání (webináře) a také materiály pro samostudium.
Pilotní část vzdělávacího projektu odstartovala v září 2023 prvním webinářem.
Další moduly budou realizovány v období únor - červen 2024.
Projekt GreEn - Zelené podnikání realizuje organizace Rovnovážka ve spolupráci se slovenskou organizací Futureg a organizací ze Španělska Adesos. Projekt je kofinancován programem Erasmus+.

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Event Details
As planned
EU project nr.
Online type
Organiser type
Other event
Hybrid event
Entrance fee
Registration capacity
Number of delegates
100 - 200
Target group
Academics, students, researchers in andragogy
Adult learning networks & organisations
Projects & partnerships
Aims and objectives
Its main goal is to share the experience of partners in the field of developing women’s professional competences, specifically in the management of sustainable business, and in the field of using modern technologies for marketing purposes.

The project is aimed at a target group of women who are interested in developing their entrepreneurial skills, no matter what part of the entrepreneurial process they are in (i.e. even if they are just thinking about starting a business). GreEn aims to create a hybrid (online/offline) educational course for this group.
Expected (learning) outcomes
The main topics discussed will be the consideration of ecological issues in business (e.g. reducing energy consumption, limiting waste production, the use of a circular economy or a greater focus on renewable and local resources) and at the same time promoting this issue in marketing strategies. The marketing component of the course is mainly devoted to the use of mobile applications. The course will have a modular form, so each participant can choose a focus that corresponds to her current needs and expectations.

In addition to the educational course, the project will also include an international group based on a social network. This will be used to share experiences, products, tips and tricks between project participants..
Recognition / certification of participation
In addition to the educational course, the project will also include an international group based on a social network. This will be used to share experiences, products, tips and tricks between project participants.

A motivational blog / e-book with 12 examples of good practice in the form of interviews with businesswomen will also be available to the participants.

The pilot run of the course will be attended by 30 women from the three countries that are collaborating on this project.
Attending fee

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