GIFt - Adult amateurs playing in a symphony orchestra!
The adult amateur orchestra project GIFt (Germany, Italy, Finland together) came to its ending in autumn 2023 in Iisalmi and Pielavesi with successful concerts for full audiences. This Eramus+ funded project was coordinated by Iisalmen kansalaisopisto (Iisalmi adult education center) with an Italian music school (Fondazione Scuola di Musica fi Fiesole) and a German music school (Schulverband Jugendmusickschule Wårttenbergisches Allgäu) as partners.
The adult amateur symphony orchestra “GIFt” consisted of amateur musicians, music school students and teachers from Germany, Italy, and Finland. The idea of “GIFt” came to life with the realization, that all these three participating schools have an orchestra, that operates using this unique model, where amateur musicians play together with music school students and teachers. These kind of orchestras are relatively rare in Europe. The starting point of this project was the exchange of good practices and the improvement and further development of the learning possibilities for adult amateur musicians. With the dissemination of the results we wish to share this operating model with other adult education centers and music schools in Finland, Germany and Italy and also in other European countries. With such an exciting project, we will hopefully be able to inspire many adult amateur musicians to join orchestras.
Watch the video!
Erasmus-Reise nach Finnland Sommer 2023 (
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