The Fourth and last Workshop was implemented

Within our application Building a VET mobility learning bridge between Hungary and Malta - From NEET to EET 4 workshops was organised, of which the last one took place in April 2023.
Our Maltese partner, Easy Job Bridge, brought 5 of its staff back to Budapest for the last face-to-face meeting under the project. Although our common small-scale project is coming to an end, the workshop did not feel like a farewell, as our future plans include the intention to continue working together.
The first day of the workshop focused on the tasks and preparations around the closure of the project. With the submission of the progress report to the National Agency, we were provided with a complete set of criteria to be taken into account when preparing the final report. The workshop also included a face-to-face report on which organisations what have benefited from the cooperation so far and an evaluation of the project.
Both parties were very satisfied with the partnership and it was no wonder that the second day's theme looked to the future and the possibility of further cooperation. A Maltese company in the digital sector joined the discussion online. The meeting focused on a future small- or large-scale partnership project, which the three parties plan to implement in cooperation with organisations from other countries.
In addition to professional program, our company put emphasis on learning about the culture and history of Hungary. We visited the synagogue in Rumbach Street, where our Maltese partners learned about the history of Hungarian Jewry, and then the view of St. Stephen's Basilica was a memorable experience. On the second day, the Easy Job Bridge staff were amazed by the Vajdahunyad Castle and the City Park. In addition to the sights, they also got to know the traditional Hungarian cuisine, which they loved according to them.
Source of index image: Gordius Learning Ltd.