Final conference of the Erasmus+ Project DELPHI "Development of Continuing Professional Development for Heritage Interpretation to facilitate Lifelong Learning for Social Inclusion and European Cohesion" (2018-2020)

We would like to invite you to the final conference of the Erasmus+ Project DELPHI "Development of Continuing Professional Development for Heritage Interpretation to facilitate Lifelong Learning for Social Inclusion and European Cohesion" (2018-2020) which will take place online on Wednesday, 14th October 2020 from 1000-1430 (CET) (0900-1330 GMT). Please save the date and send an e-mail to and you will receive further information and a personal invitation soon!
We will be presenting the results of our project, including the development of a qualification framework in line with EQF, and the pilot results of our blended learning course. Our pilot participants will present the results of their work, with case studies on Heritage Interpretation from Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Italy, Serbia and The Netherlands. We believe that our multi-sector approach has added value by integrating the results of several projects from different contexts. The final conference will introduce you to our training tool kit and illustrate our results through pilot project presentations and workshops.
More about Delphi: DELPHI targets Heritage Interpreters, Adult Educators and Community workers, and aims to strengthen their ability to identify and communicate European values and European identity locally and in its regions, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals and the European Convention on the Value of Heritage for Society.
See for more information.