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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


The Fifth LTT Meeting of “2 Become 1” Project

Profile picture for user ncelikca.
Caglar CELIK

The fifth LTT meeting of our project “2 Become 1” was held in Gebze, hosted by Gebze Halk Eğitimi Merkezi, from 28 October to 1 November 2019. During the meeting, the participants from Austria, UK, Italy and Turkey attended the trainings and visits. The main topics of the meeting were the methods for teaching handicraft to migrant and the social inclusion and adaption of the migrants in the society. The participants were also informed about the migration system and the institutions working with/for migrants in Turkey.

Some migrants who attended courses in Gebze Halk Eğitimi Merkezi were invited and the participants were able to talk with them about their experiences starting from their own countries to Turkey and what they think about the current system and opportunities they have in Turkey.

A field trip to Kızılay was organised. The manager gave information about the activities and the opportunities they offer for the migrants. It was a different experience for participants to see a place where the migrants can get training on different subject and fulfil almost all their needs.

Apart from this, the participants visited the Gebze district directorate of national education and a school with a special class for the migrant children. They got a chance to learn about the situation of the migrant education in Turkish national education system and to see the good conditions of the migrant education.

Since this was the final LTT meeting of our project, the participants were able to compare the migrant situation of each country and share their ideas and opinions.







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