European project design and management

The training aims at providing a thorough understanding of the EU grants and will allow the participants to acquire the theoretical and practical fundamentals of project management in order to acquire and improve project management skills and increase access to European Funds.
Well-experienced project managers will illustrate cases by real examples that might get across while participating in an international project. After completing the course, participants will have the skills to identify the most appropriate forms of access to EU funds and formulate project ideas in line with the European programmes. Training focuses mainly on issues met by project managers who work with international projects with intercultural team members and stakeholders.
It is a must-have course for all those who will be involved or are already involved in the management of EU projects either at technical or at financial level as well as to all those in charge with the business development strategy of organisations in the field of education, civil society organisations, sport organisations, public bodies.
The strength of the course lies in the fact that training will offer extensive use of exercises and case studies about all funding opportunities proposed with main focus on European Social Fund and Erasmus+ Programme projects. At the end of the course participants of the course will be able to apply the fundamental rules of EU project management in all phases: planning, drafting, implementing, developing, budgeting, monitoring, evaluating.
At the end of the training participant will be able to:
- comprehend how EU grants function
- understand the responsibilities of those involved in project management & coordination between partners
- understand the responsibilities of those in charge of the technical & financial progress of an funded project
- comprehend importance of applying best principles and practices for good management
- learn to identify at an early stage the financial risks related to funded projects
- will be able to write project proposals
DAY 1, 09:00 – 17:00
Course overview
Lifelong learning and adult learning
EU Funds and Programmes, EU policies addressed the European funding
Funding opportunities: Overview of European Social Fund, Erasmus+ Programme, Interreg, AMIF, Creative Europe etc.
European added values
Networking and strategic partnerships in EU projects and ways to find partners
Description of the relevance of the target groups and stakeholder analysis
DAY 2, 09:00 -17:00
Techniques and methods for drafting European projects
Problem identification and analysis, project logical framework
Call for project proposals, standard forms and additional interpretations of the rules, evaluation of project proposal
Project design: structuring of a project into work packages
Outputs, outcomes and deliverables, impact and indicators
Communication Plan, strategic importance of dissemination plan and exploitation of results
Sustainability of the project and horizontal priorities
Project risk assessment and consistency of application checking
DAY 3, 09:00 – 17:00
Work in small groups on practical cases in standardized proposal forms ESF:
Planning methodology – Background, Objectives, Indicators, Actions, Outcomes, Budget Available, Project team members, Eligible and ineligible costs - explanation of the costs, Implementation dynamics
DAY 4, 09:00 – 17:00
Work in small groups on practical cases in standardized Application forms Erasmus+:
Planning methodology – Background, Objectives, Indicators, Actions, Outcomes, Budget Available, Project team members, Eligible and ineligible costs, Implementation dynamics
DAY 5, 09:00 – 17:00
Basics of monitoring project implementation
Rules of purchasing goods, services and works
Reporting – submission of deliverables, payment requests
Partnership coordination – devision of beneficiary roles and responsabilities
Performance audits, suspensions of payments
Evaluation of impact of the action
Course roundup and final evaluation
Validation of learning outcomes and certification ceremony
Our institution has more than 12 years long experience in developing and conducting various EU funded projects related to adult education and culture.
Department for lifelong learning, development and EU project conducted 10 ESF projects, 19 Erasmus+ projects and 5 IPA projects with partners from 14 countries. In department are employed Head of department, 3 project managers and expert for curriculum development.
Together with these programmes for adults, in the POUZ there are also programmes for children (dance courses, musical instruments courses and different creative workshops).We are especially proud of the Third Age University, which has specialized in non-formal education for senior citizens offering a wide range of courses of foreign languages, IT-skills, lectures and workshops on history, art, health and other interesting topics.
We are a member of EAEA (European Association for Education of Adults), a member of DANET (international umbrella association of education institutions, fostering education and science in the domains of lifelong learning, social participation and dialogue in the Danube countries), a member of AIUTA (International Association of Universities of the Third Age) and a member of Croatian Adult Education Society.