Eucen online Seminar 2020 Across the Atlantic | How to survive in critical times? University Lifelong Learning 4.0

The COVID-19 has impacted the world with surprising speed. Things that had been planned and agreed for a long time had to be cancelled and re-thought. New models of teaching and learning were needed. Thousands of classes were put at stake -there was not a lot of time for thinking and, at the same time, a lot of thinking was necessary.
How have universities re-invented their way of delivering classes? Whathave been the major challenges and which are the greatest successes? Did we already have models to adopt without even knowing it? How has ULLL suffered in this new situation and how has it managed to survive?
Join them in a dynamic trans-Atlantic seminar where Europe and the US come closer to address responses to unexpected critical situations. They want to imagine together ways to manage and mitigate the consequences of Covid-19 and potential future crises.
You can read the preliminary programme :