It is widely recognized that Emotional intelligence (EI or EQ) is the ability to identify and manage your own emotions and the emotions of others. Emotional Intelligence inherently includes some essential skills, the most important of which are emotional awareness and the abilities to harness and manage emotions. The concept of EI has been embraced by many educators and educational institutions, in the last 20 years, in the form of programmes and modules focusing on ‘social & emotional learning’ (SEL) skills. It is worth mentioning that many US states have introduced SEL learning as mandatory in the curriculum. In 2002 UNESCO has initiated a worldwide initiative to promote SEL, emphasizing on the importance of someone mastering these essential skills for living. ‘Emotional Intelligence: identify, harness & manage emotions’ equips the participants with knowledge related to the ten basic principles for implementing SEL in educational settings as well as practical tools for managing emotions, recognize others’ emotions and understand the relationship between thoughts and emotions. Moreover, the participants will be hugely benefited by in depth knowledge of classroom related SEL skills, such as listening and talking in ways that resolve conflicts instead of escalating them. This is a masterclass course for school principals, teachers, educators, trainers, business managers & parents.
Event Details
Event type
Professional development event
Organiser type
Other event
Organiser name
ShipCon Limassol Ltd
Target group
Adult learning networks & organisations
Aims and objectives
*Understand the importance of Emotional Intelligence in Modern Education and Workplace settings
*Comprehend methods to avoid and resolve conflicts using ‘social and emotional learning’ (SEL) skills
*In depth understanding of the relationship between thoughts and emotions
*Learn how to manage emotions and the emotions of others
Expected (learning) outcomes
By the end of the course, delegates will have acquired capabilities to:
*Understand the concept of emotional intelligence and the skills associated
*Develop deeper and more intimate relationships with peers and colleagues
*Understand the feelings and emotions of students and colleagues
*Build trusting relationship in the classroom or in the organisation they are working
*Stay always in control and avoid conflict
Recognition / certification of participation
*Certificate of attendance & certificate of competence (skills & competences required – Europass CV)
*Europass mobility certificates – to be issued by the applicant’s National Authority (NA)