Effect VPL Conference
Validation and recognition of prior learning is a very up-to-date subject nowadays in many European countries. A lot of attention has been paid to it by regulatory bodies, adult learning centers, career development practitioners, scholars and employers. However, do we really benefit from Prior Learning Validation? Is the system useful for organizations which have recognized VPL? Has the process of validation helped individuals who went through it?
These questions will be addressed at “Effect VPL Conference” which will take place in Cracow, Poland. During the conference you will get to know the employers’ perspective on VPL and case studies of individuals who went through the process. They will show whether it helped them in any way. Employers will describe benefits they gained from implementing the VPL solutions and what challenges they face. They’ll focus on areas such as influenced recruitment, onboarding, team building, etc.
You’ll also learn legal aspects of VPL, recommendations of the European Commission and the current state of validation in Germany, Denmark, Poland and Turkey. All activities will be followed by a group reflection, Q&A sessions, and a lot of networking. Participants will also take part in a workshop for VPL professionals.
The conference is addressed to employers, public institutions, assessors, career advisors, researchers, HR practitioners, Lifelong Learning professionals and anyone involved and interested in validation and recognition of prior learning.
The conference will be held on June 14, 2019 in Kraków, Poland in International Cultural Centre, Cracow Main Square 25. It will be held in English.
The Conference Fee and accommodation in Kraków on 13-15 June will be covered from research project „Effect VPL”. To register, submit the registration form: http://formularze.wszechnica.uj.pl/conference-effect-vpl-cracow-2019/