EBSN General Assembly and Annual Conference, 2019
The European Basic Skills Network, EBSN,annually, has organised an international event in which conferences, workshops and policies discussions are carried out. The details of the upcoming Conference are hereby developed:
This year’s EBSN event is organized in cooperation with the Association of Estonian Adult Educators – Andras, the Estonian Non-formal Adult Education Association and the Ministry of Education and Research of Estonia.
Time and venue
General Assembly: 5 June 2019 (Wednesday, 16:00 – 19:00), Hestia Hotel Europa, Address: Paadi 5, 10151 Tallinn, Estonia
Conference: 6-7 June 2019 (Thursday, 9:00 – Friday, 14:45), Hestia Hotel Europa, Address: Paadi 5, 10151 Tallinn, Estonia
Participation fee
All participants must pay the appropriate registration fee as follows:
180 EUR for EBSN members and preliminary members,
260 EUR for non-EBSN members.
The conference participation fee includes: admission to all conference sessions, two lunches, conference refreshments, one conference dinner and a guided city-tour in Tallinn.
Following the registration, you will receive the invoice on your participation fee by e-mail. Please make sure that the total invoiced fee is transferred (the eventual transfer costs should not be covered by EBSN)
For Cancellation Policy please see the General Terms and Conditions
The Conference Organizer Team reserved a contingent of altogether 70 rooms at the conference hotel, Hestia Hotel Europa, on the following prices:
A contingent of 50 rooms (Single room 85,-€/night; double room 90,-€/night)
A contingent of 20 rooms with sea view (Single room 95,-€/night; double room 100,-€/night)
NB! The already reserved rooms to the period of June 5 to 7 are available ONLY UNTIL 30 April! The Hotel cannot hold the reservation any further, so we kindly advise you to book your room in due time!
Please book your room individually by sending an e-mail to Ms. Sofia Zurbenko.
sofia.zurbenko@hestiahotels.ee (password “EBSN”)
Wednesday, June 5th
Venue: Hestia Hotel Europa
Paadi 5, 10551 Tallinn
16.00 – 16.30 Registration and coffee
16.30 – 19.00
General Assembly
including a coffee break
19.00 –Short meeting of the Executive Committee
Thursday, June 6th
Venue: Hestia Hotel Europa
Paadi 5, 10551 Tallinn
09.00 – 09.30 Registration and coffee
09.30 – 09:50
Formal opening
09:50 – 10.20
Key-note speech from Estonia
Ministry of Education and Research, Estonia
10:20 – 11:00
The EBSN Capacity Building Series
Zoltán Várkonyi and Tamás Harangozó, EBSN EPALE Team
Presentation of results so far,
Q & A/ discussion
11.00- 11.20
The EBSN’s CBS in the context of the Upskilling Pathways initiative
European Commission (TBC) 11.20 – 11.40 Coffee break
11.40 – 13:00
Parallel sessions
Presentations of examples of good implementation processes. 3 × 15 min presentations followed by discussion
Workshop W1: National policy implementation
Celia Sokolowsky, DVV, German Adult Education Association, Germany
Volkshochschulen: Basic education in the service of a democratic society
Sara Jaminé, VOCVO, Belgium
Structural Flemish approach: the Strategic Literacy Plan
Vasso Nikolopoulou and Liana Lytsiou Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs General Secretariat for Lifelong Learning, Greece
Education and training in correctional centers.
Workshop W2: National policy implementation
Cäcilia Märki, Swiss Association of Adult Education (SVEB), Switzerland
Basic Skills policies in Switzerland –basic skills within the framework of the recent Swiss law on further education
Leena Nissila, Ministry of Education, Finland
Basic Skills in Finland, policy and implementation (title TBC)
Zoltán Varkonyi, Modus, Hungary
Policy Support for the Implementation of Upskilling Pathways in Hungary.
The organisers reserve the right to change the programme.
Workshop W3: Outreach, motivation, results
Clare McNally, NALA, Ireland
Take the first step – a national literacy and numeracy awareness campaign in Ireland
Myriam de Hoo, CINOP, Netherlands
Combatting low literacy by targeting specific groups: CINOP’s innovative pilots for the Dutch government programme ‘Count on Skills’
Jan Evensen, Fønix AS, Norway
Applying the goals of national policy to the individual’s needs – approach, methods and results of the work of Fønix, Norway
Workshop W4: Implementing Professional Development of Teachers and Trainers
Rosemarie Klein, bbb Büro für berufliche Bildungsplanung, Germany
Professionalisation of Trainers for Work Based Basic Skills
Mai Timmi, Ministry of Education and Research, Estonia
Implementation of training of trainers in Estonia (title TBC)
Patrick Ramberg Singler, Fønix AS, Norway
Teacher training for implementation of VARK learning strategies for adults with low basic skills 13.00 – 14.00 Lunch
14.00 – 14:10
Presentation of the Caroussel concept and organization
14.10 – 15.40
First round of Caroussel
Malgorzata Mandola, AFPA, France
HOPE – a national program for professional inclusion of the refugees
Laura Iveta Strode, Ministry of Education and Science Department of Vocational and Adult Education, Latvia
Adult Learning curricula for developing key competences of employees
Ena Drenkhan, Tartu Folk High School, Estonia
Margit Düüna, Training center Osilia, Estonia
Learning and teaching basic skills and key competences in non-formal adult education centres and folk high schools in Estonia
Tiina Tambaum, Estonian Institute for Population Studies, Tallinn University, Estonia
Teenage tutors facilitating the acquisition of e-skills by older learners: the problem of tutor’s self-preparation and tacit knowledge 15.40 – 16.10 Coffee break
Implementing policy: presentation of the first draft of the Tallinn conference declaration
Discussion of the draft in groups
16.50 -17.00
Summing up the first conference day.
Guided city-tour
Conference dinner
The organisers reserve the right to change the programme.
Friday, June 7th
Venue: Hestia Hotel Europa
Paadi 5, 10551 Tallinn
09.00 – 09.30
Advancing Digital Inclusion in Estonia
Linnar Viik, information technology scientist, one of the founders of Estonian e-Governance Academy and Programme Director of Smart Government
09.30 – 10.45
Second round of Caroussel
- 3 × 20 min
Dr Kees Hoogland and Dr. Mieke van Groenestijn, HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, The Netherlands
- Towards a Common European Numeracy Framework
Sam Duncan, UCL Institute of Education, UK
- Lend Me Your Ears: when adults read aloud instead of in silence
Karin Kurvits, Headmaster of Pärnu Adult Gymnasium, adult trainer, Estonia
Merle Protsin, Students counsellor, former student of Pärnu Adult Gymnasium, Estonia
- Back to learning to formal education system 10:45 – 11:30 Coffee break / Market Place / “talk café”
11.30 – 12.15
Round Table discussion
12.15 – 12.30
Summing up: the conference message
12.30 – 13.00
Closing remarks
EBSN Chair 13.00 – 14.45 Lunch
14.45 – 15.45
Meeting of EC
More info:
Secretary General, The European Basic Skills Network – EBSN Secretariat
+47 97 693 706