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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


EAEA Change-oriented adult learning and education for DIGITALISATION & DEMOCRACY

Lenka Prokopova
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).


The event was organized by the European Association for Adult Education (EAEA). Due to the persistent pandemic situation, the event took place virtually, in the online space, so present participation was not possible.

The first day was dedicated to the general assembly of members of the association, when the new regulations were approved and there was also a voting to accept new candidates for membership from countries such as Macedonia or Kosovo. The members elected a new chairman as well as new representatives of the board.

The second day focused on the final conference of the FutureLabAE project, where interesting lecturers presented their contributions on strengthening democratic principles in the field of adult education and lifelong learning. Dr Fergal Finnegan's lecture on strengthening democratic values ​​and promoting equal access to education, eliminating inequalities and social injustice in access to education was particularly useful in this regard.

The conference used online evaluation and feedback tools, such as Kahoot or Mentimeter, which I recommend for this purpose to use on the occasion of similar events. These are simple, practical and at the same time user-friendly applications that allow us to involve participants in events, activate them, make them think and also get structured feedback from them. These tools can be used both in the online environment and at events held in person.

Three Czech participants from AOA CR represented experts in adult education in the Czech republic. They were satisfied with the organization and technical support of the event, the time schedule and program of the conference proceeded according to the set plan and met their expectations.

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