Don't miss out the EPALE discussion on Transformative learning and life skills
On 27/10/2021, 10 am CET EPALE will host a live-streamed discussion on transformative learning and life skills, moderated by Gina Ebner and Christin Cieslak of the EAEA; joined by George A. Koulaouzides and Suzanne Kyle.
We will discuss transformative learning and life skills, what we mean when we use these terms as well as potential chances and challenges which might come with them.
Our guest speakers will provide insights into the academic, policy and praxis aspects of the topic.
We will also have a look at the current stand of transformative learning in Europe and will explore whether and how the EU currently supports the development of life skills.
We will discuss what best practice examples can teach us about how to foster transformation and life skills in a realistic way, and thus support sustainability and cohesion in Europe.
Guiding questions could be:
What do we mean by transformative learning? What do we mean by life skills?
What is the connection between life skills and transformative education?
Which do you see with implementing a transformative learning approach?
How could transformative learning support a more open, less instrumentalized
view on education?
With this discussion we want to provide the participants with a kick-off point for the topic of transformative learning and life skills, and show what benefits they bring for the individual learner and for society as a whole. We will give a quick introduction into some of the challenges but also the potential that comes with their fostering and implementation. Particularly we want to put the focus on academic, policy and praxis aspects of transformative learning and life skills and what these three sectors have to contribute to make transformative learning a reality for all Europeans.
The discussion will be kicked-off at 10:00 am CET with a live-streamed exchange between experts in transformative learning, and will continue the conversation with EPALE users in a written discussion in the comments section until 4:00 pm CET.
Comments are already to let you share your thoughts and questions!
Трансформиращо учене и житейски умения
Дискусията е много важна, защото задава нов поглед върху образованието, обучението и ученето на възрастни. За България това има съществено значение, тъй като е необходимо да се формират нагласи за преодоляване на:
- префокусиране върху оценяването;
- запаметяването на голям обем от информация;
- диктатът на изпитите с висок залог и пр.
И не само това.
Очаквам събитието.
"Put in simple terms,…
"Put in simple terms, transformative learning is the idea that learners who are getting new information are also evaluating their past ideas and understanding, and are shifting their very worldview as they obtain new information and through critical reflection".
This makes transformative learning even more relevant for adults who can attach meaning to newly-acquired knowledge, based on present and previous life experiences.