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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

25 Sep

DoCENT Conference

Italy, Naples
Ufuoma Ederewhevbe

Are you interested in fostering students’ motivation, imagination and curiosity? Then DoCENT can provide you with some solutions. Thanks to Information and communications technology (ICT), teachers are able to implement innovative teaching methods and engage with their students in an effective way. But how? If you are a teacher, teacher educator or future teacher and want to improve your inventiveness and creativity in teaching, then join us at the DoCENT conference 2019!

The conference will provide you with the most recent pragmatic insights on developing and implementing digital creativity in Education, including a Framework of digital creative teaching competences, a training model combining a curriculum and a MOOC, with a serious game and a series of gamification elements. 

The event will take place on the 25th and 26th of September in Naples, Italy, and it will showcase all the results of the Erasmus+ project DoCENT. 

Event Details
As planned
Event type
Event website
Organiser type
Other event
Organiser name
Registration URL
Contact details
Target group
Academics, students, researchers in andragogy
Adult learning networks & organisations
Policy makers
Attending fee

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