Disability and Entrepreneurship: what possibilities, what methodologies for the incubation of ideas?

The aim of the conference is to present and discuss Disability and Entrepreneurship through the initiatives carried out within the IN-CUBA Project and foster exchanges between all the stakeholders involved: organisations from the social sector, incubators, educators, users, representative of the public sector…
9:00 Opening and Welcoming speech
9:30 Presentation of the Project and its objectives
9:45 Presentation of the IN-CUBA Methodology to supports the development of ideas and projects and
transform them into enterprises
10:15 Coffee Break
10:30 Round table with a panel of experts from the social sector, the social economy, incubators
12:00 QA
12:30 Lunch
• Business Model Canvas: a key tool in the incubation process
• Entrepreneurial skills and quality of life: 2 aspects at the core of the support for people
• Idea Generation: which tools are the most appropriate in the context of entrepreneurship for people with
intellectual disability?
15:30 Sum-up of the workshops results
16:30 End of the Conference
12, rue du Château
L-5516 Remich