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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


Diploma in Adult Education, Training & Development (Malta)

Profile picture for user Mahira.
Mahira Spiteri

The Department of Arts, Open Communities & Adult Education of the Faculty of Education of the University of Malta welcomes expressions of interest to register for the Diploma in Adult Education, Training & Development - a new two-year (four-semester), evening course, starting in February 2020.

Students may part-fund their studies through the Get Qualified Scheme

Teachers may follow this Diploma course as part of their self-sought CPD to accelerate salary scale progression from 8 years to 6 years, as per terms and conditions specified in the Collective Agreement between the Government of Malta and the Malta Union of Teachers: (

More information about the Diploma course may be found

Expressions of interest should be emailed to Dr Maria Brown -

The course starts in February 2020. Therefore, immediate contact is recommended.

For further information or queries kindly contact Dr Maria Brown -

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