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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


DigComp 2.0, Career Education and the Future


The abundance of mobile devices across the world means digital skills are becoming important and invaluable for managing one’s career. The European Union has just launched its DigComp 2.0 report for all EU citizens highlighting competences needed for job search, setting learning goals and identifying training opportunities. The new guide "DigComp into action" has also been published, which supports further use and awareness of the DigiComp framework.

This continuously changing European employment market is moving towards a higher-value highly-skilled jobs, which means that it is necessary to manage your own career. A famous quote immediately comes to mind that remains relevant, now more than ever:

“Remember jobs are owned by the company, but you own your career.” - Earl Nightingale

The ACUMEN team considers career management skills to be crucial factors that will ultimately define the achievement or non-achievement of a sustainable career. They see career management skills as key determinants of social and economic well-being, as well as maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Come and join the discussions and launch of ACUMEN's free self-learning Career Management Skills (CMS) modules and train-the-trainer sessions on 6 June 2018 in London.

Register here to attend this FREE event.



ACUMEN  is supported by Erasmus+ UK under the KA2 Adult learners’ framework. It is coordinated by the European Learning Network Ltd (ELN) established in 2010, which has since coordinated or been a partner in many EU projects. The projects range from Career Education, VET, and Entrepreneurship to Adult Education and Active Citizenship.

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