Cyberbullying, a sensitive issue for parents and teachers
„Bullying and cyberbullying are increasingly common realities in school that can have devastating effects on students. Therefore, they must be known and stopped from the first manifestations.”
„Useful and much awaited support for the parent of a pre-teen who already spends much time online and for the high-school teacher who needs, in his/her turn, guidance and reliable academic info in the field to be able to pass on the knowledge and the awareness to students.”
These are two of the comments which you may find below the article “cyberbullying” written by Florentina Ciomaga from Focsani/Romania. The text is part of the project wiki which was developed by colleagues from four organisations in Germany, France, Romania and Spain within the project “Empowering Digital Literacy in a Transforming World”.
The article is structured in two parts: in the first one are short theoretical information about cyberbullying presented (acceptance and definitions of cyberbullying, statistics about and types of cyberbullying aș well as some recommandations about how adults can stop it). Readers can also find some links if they want to discover more about this sensitive issue nowadays, and some invitations to read more and to reflect on cyberbullying.
In the second section can adults trainers find a methodology for trainings, designed to facilitate the access of adults to structure information about cyberbullying, to develop adults' abilities to explore the defining elements of cyberbullying, to put adults in a position to decide how they will act to identify and prevent cyberbullying, to develop adults' abilities to apply the best methods to identify and prevent cyberbullying, to discuss and analyse the effects of cyberbullying, to foster their responsibility to prevent and to be able to intervene when it comes to cyberbullying.
With the proposed activities is each training's participant invited to reflect on what s/he has understood on the subject cyberbullying and how s/he might do în his/her context to prevent and avoid cyberbullying and its negative consequences.
The other articles of the project's wiki refer to the difference between digitisation and digitalisation, the history of digitalisation, artificial intelligence, big data, the current structural change of the public sphere and the GDPR rules of the European Union.
Please find here the wiki:
We are looking forward to getting your comments and questions!
Find more information on the two-year cooperation on the project's website.
Florentina Ciomaga, Sophia Bickhardt
Further information:
Address article cyberbullying:
Adress website: