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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


Collection of Bio-Inspired Teaching/Learning Units Effective in STEM Education-Bios4You: Erasmus+Project-2019-1-DE03-KA201-060125

Volker KOCH

The Bios4you project has been improving by the output 4 which aimed to collect bio-inspired teaching/learning units effective in STEM education.This collection of educational material consist of 14 multidiciplinary learning environments in national language from each partners country. Besides, a teacher tutorial was developed in order to support teachers in the process of creation and development of teaching/learning modules about bio-inspired topics. Training in the frame of the national multiplier events included pilot phase will be organised in which instructors develop curricula, lessons, activities, and other experiences that show how biologically-inspired engineering and scientific innovations that make a real difference in improvement of life and environment can enhance interest in STEM disciplines of young learners. This activity are in progress with providing and completing these learning modules through the Bios4you e-learning platform.

Some of these educational materials have been uploaded to the Bios4You e-learning platform. All these learning units will be open for the broad teacher and students communities after finalizing.

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