This training course introduces, to career guidance providers, the design of an One-Stop-Service-Shop for career guidance for Europeans, as well as good practices and tools useful to Career Counselors and Managers of career services.
Target Audience
- Teachers in Vocational, Adult and Special Needs Education.
- Teacher Trainers
- Career officers, educational guides and counselors
- Inspectors
- Management Staff in the institution/organization
- Headteachers/principals/managers of schools/organizations offering adult education
- Members of students/teachers councils in adult education
- HE Academic Staff
- Municipality officers
Course Highlights
- Before applying under Key Action 1 adult education organisations must develop a European Development Plan. This plan is part of the application form. It outlines the needs of the institution/organisation in terms of quality development and internationalisation, and how their planned European activities will meet those needs.
- The purpose of the European Development Plan is to ensure that the planned activities are relevant both for the individual participants and for the organisation as a whole, as activities have a higher impact on the quality of teaching and learning when they are well-integrated in the organisation's strategic development:
- Learn good practices on career guidance
- Learn tools on career guidance
- Improvement of English Language