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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


Building a Stronger Social Services Workforce: Project Outcomes to Improve Recruitment and Retention

Pavel Jirek

Although the European project "RES" (2022-1-CZ01-KA220-VET-000085721) aimed at improving the human resources situation in social services was formally concluded on December 31, 2024, its results will have a lasting impact on the quality of social services in the participating countries. Thanks to dissemination events held in individual partner countries, a wide range of experts and stakeholders in this area learned about the findings.

A key output of the project is the Catalogue of Good Practice Examples, which was finalized in January 2024 in all partner languages. This comprehensive document provides valuable inspiration for social service providers seeking new and innovative ways to improve the quality of care for their clients. Another significant result of the project is a new training program that has been successfully piloted in the Czech Republic and Greece. This program, based on the curriculum developed within the RES project, focuses on developing key competencies of social service workers and is designed to enhance their qualifications.

To disseminate knowledge about new trends in human resources management in social services, we have created a series of "How to" video tutorials. On our YouTube channel, you can find practical tips and advice to improve your recruitment strategies and increase employee satisfaction. These videos are a valuable addition to our catalogue and training program and are intended for anyone interested in improving the quality of social services.

Thanks to this cooperation, we can expect the quality of social services in the participating countries to continue to improve. We believe that the results of our project will contribute to creating a more stable and efficient environment for providing social services.

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