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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

14 Nov

Autumn Seminar 2019 Learning for Entrepreneurship: A Global Citizen perspective

Spain, Barcelone
Profile picture for user Roseline Le Squere.
Roseline Le Squère
Community Hero (Gold Member).

Autumn Seminar 2019
Learning for Entrepreneurship:
A Global Citizen perspective

This year's seminar will focus on entrepreneurial thinking in lifelong learning that expands our perceptions of entrepreneurship for a more inclusive and sustainable future. University Lifelong Learning and Adult Education can play an important role in reaching the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. The SDGs place future proofing human society to the fore, which demands radical new perspectives and practices. Entrepreneurs are people who see and act on opportunities not readily apparent to others. In the carbon-neutral, digital age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution driven by the rise of artificial intelligence, we will need people who can see opportunities for sustained planetary flourishing beyond a narrow profit paradigm.

The 2019 eucen Autumn Seminar will include three interactive workshops on:

  • World Citizenship;
  • Citizen Science; and
  • Development of Micro-Enterprises with displaced and vulnerable populations.

It will also include keynote talks, research papers and posters.

The 2019 eucen Autumn Seminar will overlap with the final symposium of the VINCE (Validation for inclusion of new citizens of Europe) project - the VINCE symposium is a free and open event. Arrive one day earlier and attend two activities without further extra cost.

If you are Interested on the entrepreneurial thinking in Lifelong Learning and want to know what experts think about it, do not miss the opportunity and join us on 14-15 November 2019 in Barcelona (ES). Download the Preliminary Programmes for VINCE and Autumn Seminar.…


Event Details
As planned
Event type
Event website
Organiser type
Other event
Organiser name
Registration URL
Contact details
email :
Target group
Adult learning networks & organisations
Attending fee

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