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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


Ambitio College implemented 1st digital skills lab in the Erasmus+ project VET-Di.Ca.B.

Profile picture for user Uciliste Ambitio.
Željka Ciler
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).
EPALE Ambassador.


From November 28th to 30th, 2023, Ambitio College implemented a digital skills workshop/lab for teachers in vocational education within the Erasmus+ project Digital capacity building for VET teachers and trainers - VET-Di.Ca.B. The coordinator of the project is IRECOOP Impresa Sociale Soc. Coop. from Italy, and partners are Ambitio College, Association "BULGARIA TRAINING" from Bulgaria and Inercia Digital S.L. from Spain. Workshop brought together teachers - representatives of partner organizations. Training was led by Željka Ciler, project activity coordinator.


LAB Ambitio.


At the beginning of the three-day lab Application and sharing of basic training models and motivation and teaching techniques in a virtual environment, director Alen Stranjik greeted the participants and wished them a pleasant stay and joint work in an international environment. This was followed by the introduction of the participants themselves and the presentation of partner organizations. In the continuation of the training, Alen Stranjik presented the European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators - DigCompEdu, the document on which project activities to strengthen the digital skills of vocational teachers are based. Then the teachers had the opportunity to exchange experiences and knowledge in the field of digital skills and acquire new knowledge in digital technologies that they need in their daily educational work with students in vocational education. Considering that we encounter new digital technologies in the educational system every day, teachers worked together to learn and improve in the currently most needed applications for creating questionnaires, tests, interactive tasks that encourage competitive spirit and participation, and the design of visual content for the teaching process and marketing activities.




In addition to the mentioned applications, Saša Dumić from Cognita, a specialized e-learning company, introduced the teachers to the application of e-learning in education, the e-learning platform and content, e-learning development projects and their phases, roles and activities, and finally the process and the method of creating a storyboarding for an e-learning lesson. All theoretical content was accompanied by a practical part in which teachers practiced their skills and presented their tasks. In addition to digital skills, teachers practiced their knowledge of the English language by socializing with participants from other organizations and encouraging multiculturalism and socializing together.

More information about the project you can find HERE.





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