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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


3D4KIDS: 3D print at school!!

Profile picture for user EPALEItalia.
EPALE Italia

The 3D printing technology arrives in a Sicilian school and thanks to an Erasmus+ project !!!

On 29 October, it took place at the "I.C.S. Monsignor Gagliano "of Altavilla Milicia (PA) the pilot phase of the 3D4KIDS project which involved 80 students of the II classes and 8 teachers of different subjects.
These had the opportunity to test exclusively the new tools and methodologies developed by the 3D4KIDS' consortium partners during the implementation of the project.
3D4KIDS project aims to promote the use of 3D printers in secondary schools and it is a project funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ programme, key action 2 (strategic partnerships for innovation and the exchange of good practices). It is implemented by a consortium of partners composed of: Furness Academy (United Kingdom), IES José Luis Castillo-Puche (Spain), Srednja šola za oblikovanje Maribor (Slovenia), CEIPES (Italy), CETEM (Spain), STYRIAN TECHNOLOGY PARK (Slovenia), Pristálica (Spain), that works sinergically to achieve the results. 
To Know more about the project, watch the video on feedback of the Italian teachers received during the pilot phase!


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