SkillUp game methodology for improving “Problem solving in technology-rich environments”
In the past, a person who knew the basics of reading, writing and calculating was considered to be literate. In contemporary ‘Knowledge Society’ (‘Information Society’), the concept of literacy was assigned another meaning. A literacy of a certain field means the knowledge of basic concepts in a given field, their understanding and comprehension in context, but also an ability to use them universally in a practical way. Especially this last point is the basis of SkillUp Game methodology and curriculum.
The pilot research, a part of SkillUp Game project that was performed in 5 partner countries, has proven that the organizations frequently deal with a problem of employability of low-skilled people. For that reason, partner organizations from Slovenia and Spain, for example, organize programs aimed at increasing employability among their beneficiaries.
Typical participants of these courses are represented by people whose elementary education was not completed, ethnic minorities (e.g. Romany communities in the Czech Republic) or immigrants. SkillUp Game methodology will help trainers to prepare programs for low-skilled adults that would support their literacy, numeracy and digital skills and we expect a positive impact from this project (impact on the whole family and especially on children). These skills training implies the following:
Development of Literacy
(Gramotnosti ve vzdělávání, 2011), Literacy, for low-skilled adults, is related mainly to the understanding of information in everyday life, such as information in official letters (e.g. the municipal office), statement of service costs (e.g. mobile operator), contracts (e.g. lease agreement), manuals (e.g. el. appliances, installations), and the like. Considering the work environment, literacy is connected with an ability to understand manuals, contracts, conduct written communication with a client or colleagues, stay well-informed about documentation, and much more. Limited skills in this area definitely reduce the chance of finding employment in the labour market.
According to Palečková, Tomášek, Basl (2011), literacy is closely connected with Communication-Technological Literacy (ICT - Information and Communication Technologies). Information literacy combines knowledge and skills that are necessary for work with information and communication technology. The aim is to reach the ability to stay well-informed in the world of information: digital and printed information, information processed by text, sound and graphical editors, information saved on the internet or in information institutions. The educational area of ICT contributes to the development of the ability to interpret the acquired information meaningfully, apply it in real situations with the assistance of accessible office or analytical hardware or software tools.
SkillUp Game concentrates on the ways of how to support the development of this competence with the use of gamification, games and LARPs during the trainings and courses for low-skilled people.
Development of Numeracy
Numeracy is the ability of an individual to recognize and understand a role that mathematics plays in the world. Moreover, it is an ability to make well-founded judgments and to comprehend mathematics in order to fulfil the person’s basic necessities of life as he or she is a creative, interested and thoughtful citizen. (PISA, 2003)
In practice, numeracy is explicitly demonstrated in the area of money management (loans, interests, budgets). It reflects a close connection between numeracy and financial literacy (personal finance, family budget).
However, we apply numeracy when we work with graphs and tables, when we try to understand the information they convey, for correct interpretation and critical evaluation. In current society, it is necessary to identify the incorrect interpretations of statistical information, surveys and manipulation in advertisements.
Development of Digital (Computer) Skills
In our rapidly-developing information society, people end up more and more in professional and social isolation if they have no or low skills related to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and no or low abilities to adapt quickly to newly-emerged conditions.
A computer-literate person knows how to use technologies for his or her own professional as well as personal life in such a way that the person does not feel computer-handicapped. The person does not “stand behind a digital barrier” and his or her personal and professional development (with the use of a computer) is a matter of his or her own choice.
According to Šindelář (2005), a computer-literate individual is able to search for and process the information with the use of common computer equipment. Moreover, the person is well-informed about various areas of computer work and he or she can use the computer effectively.
A computer-literate person should have acquired the following abilities and skills:
- be able to do, understand and explain the basic concepts from the area of information technologies;
- use a personal computer and work with data files (turn on, restart and turn off the computer, work with icons on the computer screen, search for a required computer program, delete unnecessary data, create copies, print required data, and the like);
- work with a text processor;
- create and work with tables, graphs and numerical data;
- create and work with computer databases;
- create presentations with the use of the computer;
- obtain the information and communicate via the computer (work with the Internet, create web pages, control electronic mail (e-mail)).
Solution and recommendation:
Facilitating the learning and/or the development of key competences (numeracy, literacy and digital skills) is the main component of programmes aimed to train problem solving in technology-rich environments.
Concerning the training of low-skilled people, SkillUp Game puts emphasis primarily on the practical use of a computer in everyday life, alternatively in specific situations such as: looking for a job, visiting the doctor or legal/official paperwork. We encounter more and more frequently the connection of those fundamental areas with digitization. Information together with written communication is transferred to the Internet. For that reason, it is important that the connection - with technologies, working on the computer and using the Internet (as a source of information) - will become a regular part of the development of our target group.
During the SkillUp Game project pilot implementation courses, we experienced how our methodology proved to be very effective in the evolvement of key competencies. Games are natural strategies to acquire new skills, allowing learners to be flexible and adaptable to a highly-changing environment thus to have the ability to learn fast. Games also allow low-skilled adults to use the abstraction to safely examine the world around them, and develop the ability of logical reasoning and reflection.
It has been proven that the methodology is even more effective if it takes reflection into consideration. The trainer/facilitator can introduce a reflection process as the main aim of the game towards various topics such as teamwork, communication skills, leadership and so on. If we are aware of what we want to extract from the game, we can focus our attention on such a goal during the game itself.
Low-skilled adults will benefit hugely from participating in the SkillUp Game programme in order to develop their key competencies, especially digital skills, as they will improve their skills for overcoming challenging digital issues, all the while taking part in and enjoying a participatory game.
Adults with low skills will use games to learn and stimulate their cognitive functions. Like the youngest, they need stimulating work to achieve greater mental agility. Games improve knowledge and retention.
Learning is very important for people's personal and professional development, and by understanding the content in the game process, they will we be truly motivated and committed to achieving the best results.
Through Games, adults with low qualification manage to improve their performance, increase effort and increase knowledge thanks to practice.
Ultimately, thanks to the SkillUP Game methodology, learners remain in a positive state of mind, which would not be possible with traditional methods. This methodology helps them to work and develop memory, attention span, planning, ability to resolve conflicts, etc., skills that can later be transferred to the workplace effectively
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