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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


Pioneering empowerneurship for migrants in Europe: the experience of the ENEU project

Join ENEU project to empower migrant entrepreneurs with tailored training and support. Discover how our innovative Trainer's Guide

Laura La Scala

ENEU Trainer's guide.

The Erasmus+ KA2 Cooperation partnership in adult education “ENEU: Empowerneurship for Newcomers in Europe” project promotes self-employment among migrants and displaced individuals in transition in Europe. 

The project targets educators supporting adult learners with migration backgrounds, as well as migrants, displaced populations, and individuals affected by poverty and conflict. Through the utilization of entrepreneurial tools and modules developed by partners, trainers in adult education will be equipped with the necessary skills to facilitate the inclusion process of migrants. 

For that aim, a specific “Trainer’s Guide: Fostering Entrepreneurial Skills Development," developed by ENEU partners, offers a lifeline for both aspiring migrant entrepreneurs and their mentors/educators. At its heart, the guide prioritises understanding the specific needs and hurdles faced by migrant learners. For that purpose, trainers gain invaluable insights into cultural intricacies, learning preferences, and the diverse backgrounds of the migrants. 

Central to the guide is a solution-oriented approach, empowering trainers to collaborate with migrant learners in finding practical solutions to their obstacles. By leveraging strengths, resources, and innovative problem-solving techniques, participants can surmount common entrepreneurial challenges with confidence. The guide also underscores the significance of cultural competence and effective communication by the trainers so to boost trust and connection with learners. By embracing cultural diversity and adapting teaching methodologies accordingly, trainers can cultivate a nurturing learning environment where all participants feel respected and understood. 

Additionally, the guide draws upon the research and achievements of the previous TREND project, which aimed to assist refugees in establishing their businesses and which includes 8 main modules (M), specifically: M1: who am I?, M2: Me as an Entrepreneur, M3: Business Planning, M4: Financing Your Business, M5: Understanding Markets, M6: Dealing with money, M7: Communication, M8: Understanding legal issues. 

To conclude, the "Trainer’s Guide: Fostering Entrepreneurial Skills Development" equips trainers with the tools and insights needed to empower migrant entrepreneurs on their journey to success. With its emphasis on inclusivity, cultural sensitivity, and solution-driven teaching methods, this guide serves as an indispensable resource for anyone supporting adult learners in their entrepreneurial pathway. 

Do you want to know more? Download the Trainers’ Guide here:

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