A new project launched: Helping women gain power in their lives - HOPE
Women are more often in situations that put them at risk of poverty, e.g. due to interrupted employment or switched to part-time work due to childcare and/or care for relatives, low independent income, migration and refugee experiences as well as single women or divorced women with children.
The aim of our new EU-funded project HOPE, is to support counselling work and especially the identification of competences of women with regard to (re-)integration into the labour market. In order to support organizations and professionals working with women at risk, we will develop a competence assessment tool – ProfilPASS. Counselling with the tool ProfilPASS is intended to encourage women with fewer opportunities to identify their competences and strengths and thereby facilitate their (re-)integration into the labour market and society. Through counselling, competences can be identified and then reflected upon together with a counsellor in order to identify possible matching occupational fields and to develop an individual plan regarding their further educational and/or work-related paths.
This project is a result of the excellent cooperation of German Adult Education Institute (DIE) from FR Germany as a coordinator of HOPE, with Lifelong Learning Center from North Macedonia, Udruzenje Laris from Serbia and Ljudska Univerza Velenje from Slovenia, as project partners.