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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


New Family Programs to Support Students' Social Emotional Development

New Family Programs to Support Students' Social Emotional Development

Profile picture for user maocak.
Mehmet Ocak
Community Hero (Gold Member).

In cooperation with the General Directorate of Special Education and Guidance Services of the Turkish MoNE and UNICEF, training programs for families were prepared to support the social emotional skills of students according to their developmental periods.

In the programs prepared within the scope of the "Development of Social Emotional Skills" project, family awareness programs that support the development of social emotional skills were developed in order to raise awareness for all parents of students in pre-school, primary school, secondary school and high school levels.

Programs; Psychoeducational programs were created for parents, where group studies would be carried out, and individual intervention programs were created for parents, where individual studies would be carried out, supporting the development of social emotional skills.

By developing social emotional skills, the programs aimed for children and adults to gain knowledge, attitudes and skills to manage their emotions, set positive goals, learn effectively, act empathetically towards other people, establish positive relationships and make responsible decisions.

By adopting an active learning approach in the programs prepared for families, it is aimed for families to experience and discover the learning process, gain new understandings, take responsibility for their learning, internalize what they have learned in the process, and be able to transfer what they have learned to their children and daily life.

The prepared programs were uploaded to the website of the General Directorate of Special Education and Guidance Services and made available for guidance counselors/psychological counselors working in schools and institutions to benefit from in their work with families.

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