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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


IFLYSLOW - usefull learningapps on basic financial skills

Learning ressources developed for trening and teaching in personal finans for minority-groups and other groups with lower inncome.

Eli Kristin LANGSET
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Photo: Ayesha Khan. MiA holds courses in Grønland, in collaboration with the Somali Women's Self-Help Group and a volunteer professional, economist Erlend Torjussen. This course is supported by the Welfare Agency, Oslo Municipality.

The IFLYSLOW project was initiated because we identified a need for increased financial literacy regarding the digital economy among minority groups and other lower-income groups. Many struggle with understanding and using online banking, budgeting and digital trading, saving, and pensions. Therefore, we developed an Erasmus+ project in collaboration with partners in Belgium, Malta, Spain and Austria with the aim of developing simple learning apps and an educational program on basic digital economy for this group. The material is now available in English, French, Norwegian, Spanish, and German, and can be downloaded at

The Foundation for Diversity in the Workplace (MiA) uses the learning apps and material weekly in basic economy courses for minority groups in Oslo and other municipalities. This summer, we are holding courses in Grønland, in collaboration with Gamle Oslo Volunteer Center and volunteer organizations. The apps are suitable for participants with a language level of A2 or higher. You can read more about MiAs work and courses at

Our international partners in this project are:

Le Monde des Possibles  - Belgia

Paragon  Europe - Malta

Instituto para el Fomento del Desarrollo y la Formación - Spania

KIST Consult - Østerrike


These are the project results:

PR 1: IFLY-SLOW Online Database for Financial Education in a Digital Economy.

offers free online access to a compilation of good practices, useful resources and tools, outstanding projects, inspiring policies, as well as innovative approaches to promote adult financial education in a digital economy, aimed at adult learners, VET trainers and policy makers.


PR2: IFLY-SLOW Training Curriculum: Financial Literacy in a Digital Economy

Theoretical framework, pedagogical basis and training curriculum for financial education in a digital economy. Divided into five Learning Units: Financial Literacy in the Digital Economy, Transformation and New Competences, Planning and Budgeting Skills, Understanding Digital Trading, and Consumer Protection and Wealth Management.


PR3: IFLY-SLOW Training Kit for Trainers

IFLY-SLOW - Innovative Financial Literacy for a Sustainable Lifestyle of Wealth ManagementTraining Kit for Trainers. The kit is specifically designed for learning via apps and is aimed at trainers, teachers, educators and anyone interested in the topic of financial education.


PR4: IFLY-SLOW Training Kit for Trainees

The IFLY-SLOW Innovative Financial Literacy for a Sustainable Lifestyle of Wealth ManagementTraining Kit for Trainees kit is specifically designed for learning via apps and is aimed at learners or anyone interested in the topic of financial literacy. 


PR5: Video 1: About IFLYSLOW- Innovative Financial Literacy for a Sustainable Lifestyle of Wealth Management

A short video providing an introduction and overview of the IFLYSLOW project, its objectives and results. Specifically, supporting the development of digital skills, communication skills, financial skills, business skills, mathematical skills, intercultural skills, and social skills.


PR6: Video 2: IFLY-SLOW Digital Training Platform

A short video about the IFLY-SLOW- Innovative Financial Literacy for a Sustainable Lifestyle of Wealth ManagementDigital Training Platform, presenting gamification, and how it allows a blended approach by combining learning via apps and financial literacy teaching in an effective and dynamic way. It gives an overview of the IFLY-SLOW Learning Apps and the five Training Units


PR7: IFLY-SLOW Learning AppsThe five IFLY-SLOW Learning Apps, corresponding with the five IFLY-SLOW Learning Units.


PR8: Examination

An assessment tool covering the materials from the IFLY-SLOW Learning Units.


PR9: IFLY-SLOW Pedagogical Handbook

The IFLY-SLOW Ped. Handbook provides in-depth information, basic concepts, definitions and methodological guidance to support transferability, replication and adaptation, support APPs based digital teaching of financial education (IFLY-SLOW Learning Apps) for adult education teachers and trainers. The handbook is intended for adult education trainers and institutions teaching digital entrepreneurship and financial competence to adults and VET trainers.


PR10: IFLY-SLOW Learning App Unit 1 - Financial Literacy in the Digital Economy

Learning Unit 1: An introduction to the world of the digital economy, key financial terms and concepts. It explores the importance of financial inclusion for sustainable growth and how to manage macroeconomic effects on your budget, and develop an understanding of risk and risk management strategies.


PR11: IFLY-SLOW Learning App Unit 2- Transformation and New Competencies

Learning App for Unit 2 covers skills for upskilling and reskilling in digital transformation. This includes data analysis, cybersecurity and data protection. It provides information about digital tools, online marketing strategies, common e-services and mobile services.


PR12: IFLY-SLOW Learning App Unit 3- Planning and Budgeting Skills

Learning App for Unit 3 which covers financial planning, income and expenses management, business plan development, budgeting, accounting and administration, balance sheet preparation, decision-making, and financial sustainability.


PR13: IFLY-SLOW Learning App Unit 4- Understanding Digital Trading

Learning App for Unit 4 which covers managing bills, handling everyday transactions, various means of payment and an overview of essential digital trading terms.


PR14: IFLY-SLOW Learning App Unit 5- Consumer Protection and Wealth Management

Learning App for Unit 5 which covers essential skills in wealth management for life and retirement, effective saving and investment strategies, anti-dependency measures, and types of insurances. It provides an overview of consumer protection policies, consumer rights, and the process of lodging complaints.



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