Hands-on Smart Healthy Age-Friendly Environments (Hands-on SHAFE) kick-off

On November 5th and 6th, the kick-off meeting of the Erasmus+ project Hands-on training and tools for Smart Healthy Age-Friendly Environments will take place in Gouda (The Netherlands).
The Hands-on SHAFE project aims to develop Smart, Healthy and Built environments learning experiences to citizens (including citizens with lower skills or low-qualifications) to foster social inclusion and independent living. The project also enables adults to learn how to become an entrepreneur in SHAFE services or products.
The overall expected outcomes of the Erasmus+ Hands-on SHAFE project are social inclusion, by improving the smart, physical and social environments at local level and the improved empowerment of people with low skills or low qualifications who work at local level or act as volunteer for their parents, family or neighbourhoods and to increase the opportunities for them to become a social entrepreneur.
The project will run from September 2019 till September 2022. During the project, partners will organise 12 national multiplier events to demonstrate the (draft) working of the training modules and tools. In June 2022 the closing international multiplier will take place in Coimbra, Portugal.
Partners in the project are:
- AFEdemy: Willeke van Staalduinen, Javier Ganzarain, Kimberly Seibel
- Cáritas Diocesana de Coimbra: Carina Dantas and Flávia Rodrigues
- ISIS GmbH: Karin Stiehr and Jesper Schulze
- TU Dublin: Damon Berry, John McGregory, Paula Kelly, Matteo Zallio and Charlie Pritchard
- Politechnika Warszawa: Agnieszka Ciesla and Marianna Ulanicka
- Airelle Corrèze: Miriam Guzy and Sonny Renaux
- Associated partners are: AGE Platform Europe, the Hamburg Ministry of Health and Consumer Protection, International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth, Tecnalia, Municipalities of Warsaw, The Hague and Gouda, Enable Ireland, Seniors Initiative Kaunas Lithuania, ECHAlliance, Campania Region, Covenant on Demographic Change, Autonom’ Lab, An Siol Community Development Project Cabra Dublin.