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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


Erasmus+ Courses in Lisbon City Foundation - Portugal

Embark on this adventure with us and increase your knowledge!

Profile picture for user n002lor2.
Fundação Cidade de Lisboa
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).
We are happy to announce that we are going to open ERAMUS+ courses in “Mediation and Intercultural Dialogue” and “Teaching Human Rights in the Classroom” in Lisbon for 2024 and 2025! These courses are aimed for teachers, educators, trainers, social workers and adult education Staff, so embark on this adventure with us and increase your knowledge!
For more information you can visit our website:
If you are interested, pre-register now:
LCF is a non-profit and public utility organisation.
By choosing us for your training, you are supporting our projects and creating social value!
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