EPALE UK and L&WI (EAAL) Annual Conference 2019 presentations

On 23 October 2019, EPALE UK and the Learning & Work Institute held the joint Upskilling pathways: implications for the adult learning workforce annual conference at Prospero House in London. The conference explored the findings of Learning & Work’s report on the adult learning workforce and how the sector can be better supported to support learners and the UK economy, giving special focus to the ‘thinkpieces’ within the report and driving further contribution from the authors that wrote them. Many of the authors held workshops on policy and practice, engaging delegates in lively discussions on a range of topics. Focus is given to the UK as a whole, as well as each individual nation.
The presentations from the plenary and panel sessions and the workshops can be found below.
Plenary and panel sessions

- Sarah Simons (host) – Times Educational Supplement
Keynote speakers:
- Stephen Evans – L&W
- Anja Meierkord – Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
- John Field – University of Stirling (also co-editor of the latest Global Report on Adult Learning and Education)
Panel members:
- Stephen Evans – L&W
- Anja Meierkord – Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Gina Ebner – European Association for the Education of Adults
- Sarah Simons (host) – Times Educational Supplement
Morning workshops – policy
Workshop 1: Personal Learning Accounts in Wales
Presented by:
- Dave Hagendyk – L&W Cmyru
Workshop 2: Community Learning and Development Standards in Scotland
Presented by:
- Alan Sherry – CLD Standards Council, Scotland
- Marion Allison – CLD Standards Council, Scotland
Workshop 3: Health, well-being and learning in Northern Ireland
Presented by:
- Dolores Atkinson – Belfast City of Learning
- Danny Power – Belfast City of Learning
- Paul Donaghy – Northern Ireland Impact Forum
Workshop 4: Devolution to city-regions in England
Presented by:
- Naomi Clayton – L&W
- Lubomira Chirmiciu – Greater London Authority
Afternoon workshops – practice

Workshop 5: Entry pathways: the Citizens’ Curriculum capability-based approach
Presented by:
- Alex Stevenson – L&W
- Connor Stevens – L&W
- Hazel Klenk – L&W
- Richard Thickpenny – ACH UK
Workshop 6: Inclusive pathways: the wider outcomes of family learning
Presented by:
- Laura Kennedy – Glasgow Life
- Cath Harcula – National Family Learning Network
Workshop 7: Practice pathways: knowledge hubs in vocational education and sustainable development
Presented by:
- Cerian Ayres – Education and Training Foundation
Workshop 8: Digital skills of adult educators
Presented by:
- Ben Charles – Global Learning Skills Partnership
- Vikki Liogier – Education and Training Foundation
The plenary session posed important questions for consideration and these were revisited throughout the event. Take a look at the questions below and share your answers with us in the comments box below.
- How can the adult learning workforce be supported to work with more and more diverse learners in the future?
- What are the implications of more flexible and individualised ways of learning on the adult learning workforce?
- What kind of support does the adult learning workforce need to align training closer with the skills needs of the labour market?
You might also be interested in:
- Where next for the adult learning workforce? (blog) - this thematic page contains the Healthy, Wealthy and Wise: implications for workforce development report that formed a major aspect of discussions at the EPALE UK and L&WI annual conference 2019, as well as the series of blog posts relating to the 'thinkpieces' within the report