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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


Enhancing Digital Inclusion for Vulnerable Communities through Digital Volunteering

Connecting vulnerable groups poses a challenge, with social exclusion exacerbating the issue.

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Recent surveys reveal that approximately 4.5 million adults in the Netherlands face challenges in accessing crucial digital government information (De digitale overheid wordt onvoldoende begrepen | EPALE (; Miljoenen snappen digitale overheid onvoldoende, meeste hoofdpijn over DigiD (

The importance of digital inclusion

Ensuring digital inclusion for vulnerable populations, such as the elderly and migrants, is imperative. To combat loneliness, retirees are often encouraged to remain socially active, explore new interests, and maintain a positive outlook. Studies consistently show that engaging in meaningful, collaborative activities contributes to a longer and more fulfilling life.

Non-formal learning in digital settings, involving both elderly individuals and migrants, can foster digital inclusion. This initiative holds significance not only for the targeted groups but also for the overall well-being of local communities.

While digital competence is crucial for societal inclusion, a substantial gap in digital skills persists among two vulnerable groups, the elderly and migrants. Prioritizing digital inclusion for these individuals is essential to ensure their continued participation. Volunteerism emerges as a key component, aligning with the principles of global sustainable development efforts outlined in the 2030 Agenda.

Volunteering and digital inclusion

The question arises: How can vulnerable individuals be engaged in a shared digital inclusion effort, and which activities and methods should be employed? Volunteering emerges as a powerful tool for participatory learning, offering a sense of usefulness and importance. Motivation for online activities and digital engagement is likely to increase through volunteering.

Despite the well-established tradition of elderly people volunteering in the Netherlands, digital inclusion volunteering is an underdeveloped area. This gap is particularly evident for vulnerable groups, such as disabled individuals and migrants, who often experience isolation due to immobility.

Participation in volunteering and adult learning courses is a form of civic engagement that contributes to broader social inclusion and networking. Beyond individual benefits, including improved health and increased societal participation, this approach leads to reduced healthcare costs and a more significant overall contribution to society.

Developing best practices is crucial to understanding the current landscape of digital volunteering, identifying volunteering opportunities, and assessing the involvement of older people in digital initiatives. This project aims to foster digital inclusion through the engagement of elderly individuals and migrants in digital volunteering, addressing the unique needs of both groups. By reducing loneliness among the elderly and providing support services to migrants, this initiative aligns with the overarching motto: "Everyone must be able to participate."

Post prepared through Erasmus+ strategic partnership 'Vulnerable people digital inclusion through digital volunteering'. Project nr.2022-2-PL01-KA210-ADU-000092441 

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