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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


1st meeting of the project Technology Opportunities as an Occasion for the Learning Systems T.O.O.L.S. 2021-1-IT01-KA220-VET-000032927

1st meeting of the project Technology Opportunities as an Occasion for the Learning Systems T.O.O.L.S. 2021-1-IT01-KA220-VET-000032927

A project called Technology Opportunities as an Occasion for the Learning Systems T.O.O.L.S. The project holder is the Italian Instituto Proffesionale Alberghiero Turistico, Villa San Giovanni, and the participants are partners, ie high schools and organizations from Italy, Romania, Spain, Greece, Croatia, Hungary and Serbia. This project is a strategic partnership of those who participate in the secondary vocational education process. Given that this system will be constantly transformed, it is necessary to improve the skills of teachers and students to be used in the 21st century. plans and programs for their classes and thus respond to the challenges that arise through the process of industrialization. All the partners involved are constantly trying to improve their knowledge and skills in order to provide their students with the best possible training: there is a constant problem with the strategies and methods applied by schools and teachers. Teachers need to improve their professional and teaching skills and better and more creative insight into lesson planning. Teachers will use innovative teaching methods, and their work will be enriched and more dynamic, more interesting to modern generations of young people attending vocational education. The first meeting of the teams of the mentioned participating countries was held in Spain in the city of Badajoz, where the directors and representatives of all partner institutions officially signed cooperation agreements. Outcomes of work and possible models of project implementation. It is planned to develop a guide, digital educational platform and make recommendations in educational policies according to which all partners would be guided in achieving the mentioned project goals. The hosts of this meeting were from the IECO Colonos school, Gevora (Badajoz) from Spain, who received all the guests in the working proctor of the school, where all work activities were held. Also, kind colleagues and the school director provided cultural-historical visits and tours of the surroundings.

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