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EPALE Community: Share your good practice examples and successful projects on digital adult learning

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EPALE Moderator

Share your stories, tips, case studies and good practice examples in the comments below between 25-28 February and help to inspire adult learning professionals across Europe.

Good practice examples in Digital adult Learning.


As part of our thematic focus on digital adult learning, we want to hear from you – the EPALE community – about any good practice examples and successful projects related to digital learning for adults.

Have you come across or designed an innovative methodology for teaching adults through IT? Perhaps you have been involved in or heard of a successful project that aimed to use digital tools in adult learning? Share your stories, tips, case studies and good practice examples in the comments below between 25-28 February and help to inspire adult learning professionals across Europe.

Don't forget to include links to the resources, projects and project outcomes mentioned, and explain briefly why you consider this resource/project to be a good practice example.

All the stories shared here will be included in our monthly newsletter!

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Participating schools have noticed the love for the subject diminishes as the students get older and are worried about the fact that exams may have an influencing fact over this phenomenon. Furthermore, it is being noted that unfortunately, the teaching has become more textbook-based and somewhat mechanical. Hence, the need of this project is for the schools to encourage the teachers to: i) implement more practical activities and group work. ii) invite people from outside into school including parents. iii) engage teachers in activities that help students to find out what prior knowledge students already had of a topic before teaching it iv) teachers need to engage actively with students' existing capabilities. v)contextualized learning would help students to connect concepts with things they were familiar with. vi) tasks that foster a stronger sense of ownership that would then promote their growing sense of independence and maturity. vii) promote more collaborative learning that in turn would promote greater discussion and work together on shared tasks.


• Improved the competences of primary teachers in the field of Mathematics; 

 • Broadened the understanding of practices, policies, and systems in Mathematics Pedagogy across countries; 

 • Increase the capacity to trigger changes within participating schools in relation to Mathematics; 

 • Developed a greater understanding of the interconnections between formal and non-formal Mathematics education;

 • Improved the quality of their professional work and activities to favor the students; 

 • Supported teachers in the acquisition of Mathematics based learning outcomes with a view to improving their personal development, their involvement as considerate and active citizens in society, and their employability in the European labor market and beyond; 

 • Supported the professional development of the teachers with a view to innovating and improving the quality of teaching; 

 • Raised participants' awareness and understanding of other cultures and countries, offering them the opportunity to build networks of international contacts, and to develop a sense of European citizenship and identity. 

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Profile picture for user nsaksehn.
Mo., 26.08.2019 - 10:26

Dear colleagues,

I am very happy to announce that Timeline Travel is ready for your use:

This website and its content are the first intellectual outputs of Erasmus+ KA203 project “Timeline Travel: An Alternative Tool for Architectural History Learning and Teaching”. You may use Timeline Travel in order to discover architectural histories of project’s two prototype cities, Istanbul and Ravenna, or you may create your own timelines. You can use it during your lectures as a digital teaching companion, encourage your students to use it as an interactive tool, assign them Timeline Travel projects through learning-by-doing approach, or you can even use it for research purposes. More information about the usage of the tool can be found on by clicking “?” or you may learn more about the project by clicking “i”.

You can also check Timeline Travel e-Learning Platform by following the link on the same page. Though the graphic user interface design of the e-learning platform is still in progress and the whole system will be upgraded soon, you can explore the contents of “Ottoman Architecture in Istanbul” course by enrolling the course with password “testgroup". You can use this free e-learning platform to prepare your own lectures, or you can assign it to your students. As another intellectual output, we are currently conducting test lectures at Gaziantep University’s Department of Architecture by using Timeline Travel Tool and e-Learning Platform besides conventional lectures. We will soon share the results of these test lectures with you.

You may watch our lecture videos on our YouTube channel and you may follow Timeline Travel on social media:  

Instagram: timelinetravelproject

Twitter: TimelineTravelP

Facebook: timelinetravelproject

You can also visit the project website in order to learn more about the project and the team.

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Profile picture for user nsaksehn.
Mo., 26.08.2019 - 10:21

Dear EPALE Users,
As Gaziantep University and under the project 2017-1-TR01-KA202-045736 we are proud of to announce our e-learning platform
This platform will contribute to the Occupational Health and Safety Learners. You may kindly find the contents related to OHS and get certificate at the end of the lessons.
Please kindly contact with us if any of your questions
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Iliana Taneva
Do., 07.03.2019 - 21:37

The first stage of the free of charge training of ICT teachers under the Cisco Networking Academy program has finished on the 8th of February 2019.
In October the Bulgarian Association of the Networking Academies, as an official coordinator of the Cisco Academies in Bulgaria, in partnership with the Bulgarian Industrial Association started a program for establishment of 20 Cisco Academies in vocational schools all over the country, as well as training for 90 instructors.
The “IT Essentials – a Basis for Information Technologies” course for 43 teachers consists of an overall review of information technologies, introduction to the networks, computer maintenance, safe work with computers, computer assembly, installation and re-installation of various software, including operational systems, localization of problems and their solving. 

The “IT Essentials” training course ended with a final examination for all teachers and they received training certificates with qualification credits from the Bulgarian Industrial Association, the latter being authorized for continuing teacher’s training for professional development by the minister of education and science.
Most of the teachers will continue their training in the course for Cisco Certified Network Associate Routing & Switching (CCNA) – "Cisco-certified Assistant for work with networks", which will be held until the month of September 2019.

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Profile picture for user Liesbeth De Paepe.
Liesbeth De Paepe
Mo., 04.03.2019 - 10:59

Practising Dutch as a second language skills through online tasks: NedBox At the Centre for Language and Education (Centrum voor Taal en Onderwijs – KULeuven), we developed NedBox (, a digital platform which aims to offer adult learners of Dutch as a second language (DSL) online practice opportunities in a fun, non-academic way during their leisure time. NedBox ( is a dynamic, learner-driven online environment in which learners can choose and perform meaningful tasks, tailored to their needs and interests, based on appealing and authentic online input; in which they are provided with online support and in which they get immediate online feedback. Considering the group of low-educated learners, with low digital skills, special attention was given to the accessibility of the platform. Innovative to NedBox is that it builds on the success factors for second language acquisition as well as online learning to create a powerful and motivating online learning environment. A first principle is that adult second-language learners must have a diversified language offer, with stimulating and authentic online input. More specifically, the training activities on NedBox start from up-to-date visual, text and sound material. It offers various themes that tie in with the roles of newcomers: work, children, consumers, leisure, social contact, life in Belgium, health, the world and 'really happened'. The platform is fed with new items every week. Secondly, NedBox offers functional tasks, tailored to the needs and interests of adult second language learners: filling in a form, reading and understanding invitations, writing a card, .... Thirdly, it is the learner, not the system, who chooses which fragments will be viewed and which tasks will be performed and in which order. Next, the learners’ motivation also increases due to the immediate and targeted online feedback. In addition, the learner can interact with other users, with native speakers and with the outside world, for example via a Facebook community. And last but not least: considering the user group of NedBox, which consists of both highly-educated and less-educated learners, special attention was paid to the general design of the online learning environment, which should be as intuitive and accessible as possible. Acknowledgements: NedBox was developed with financial support from the European Integration Fund. 
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Profile picture for user nbroesmo.
Sa., 02.03.2019 - 19:00

Thanks a lot for the valuable contributions provided this week.
I have been overambitious I must admit. I wanted to draft a short overview blog on the projects and comments posted this week, but with more than 60 contributions, 38 different projects and a number of further reading comments and reflections, I simply cannot get through in one weekend!

There will be an overview blog, but please be patient. In the meantime please continue further posting projects or explore the other dedicated pages of EPALE on digital learning such as:
/en/blog/epale-podcast-february-2019-digital-adult-learning /en/blog/self-reflection-schools-digital-age-selfie-relevant-adult-learning
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Fr., 01.03.2019 - 11:02

In the New Media Age we are constantly surrounded by all kinds of information, from political issues to advertisements and marketing, which gets to us with no filter other than our own capacity to critically assess its validity. Biased information appears to be particularly difficult to decode for the less media-literate demographics; while the rates of digital literacy have proved to disregard age or educational level, the Open Your Eyes project targets specifically adult learners and educators and seeks to improve their digital literacy by providing them with tools to identify fake news and fight the spread of disinformation online

The project intends to deliver two main outputs: 
  • “Check IT Out” Database: after thorough comparative research, the partners will compile a collection of best practices and initiatives that will enable users to develop a critical approach to news consumption and hopefully trigger their critical sense towards this issue. Research will be conducted in a selection of European countries interested by phenomena such as separatism and rising disinformation, particularly around the time of national and European elections, and will allow future users to design individual strategies to confront disinformation based on what worked best in other countries. 
  • “Check IT Out” Labs: held by especially-trained adult educators and based on the previously developed database, the Labs target groups of 10+ adult learners in partner countries with the objective of developing their critical and digital skills, bringing them closer to the concept of fake news and ultimately spreading awareness about the topic within their network. 

Programme: Erasmus+ KA2 

Reference: 2018-1-BG01-KA204-047871 

Coordinator:Nikanor – Bulgaria 

Partners:OpenEurope – Spain; UPI – Slovenia; ADR Nord-Est – Romania; EU DisinfoLab – Belgium; LLLPlatform – Belgium; DLearn - Italy  
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Profile picture for user beatarnowska.
Beata Tarnowska
Do., 28.02.2019 - 23:58

Jestem bibliotekarką i trenerką z Polski. Od ponad 6 lat współpracuje z Fundacją Rozwoju Społeczności Informacyjnych (FRSI). 
Projekt "O finansach ... w bibliotece" realizowany jest od 2012 roku (obecnie przygotowujemy VI edycję projektu!) Z Narodowym Bankiem Polskim w ramach programu edukacji ekonomicznej. W tym celu warto poświęcić więcej czasu. Z myślą o tym, co się dzieje, należy: Z ra Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life Life 
Innowacyjność projektu "O finansach ... w bibliotece" uczenie się. Łączymy kurs e-learningowy i inne narzędzia IT innovative związanie edukacji (webinaria, konsultacje online, forum internetowe wymiany doświadczeń na platformie dedykowane bibliotekarzom itp.). Z tych źródeł połączenia bibliotekarze, trenerzy, uczniowie i nauczyciele, uczniowie, nauczyciele, uczniowie, nauczyciele i nauczyciele.

Szkolenia stacjonarne zajmują zasoby online (według cyklu Kolba). Aby ułatwić sobie korzystanie z nowoczesnych technologii informatycznych, takich jak technologie informacyjne, technologie informacyjne i komunikacyjne, technologie informatyczne i komunikacyjne (np. platforma dedykowana dla bibliotekarzy itp.) 
Jakie kursy e-learningowe proponujemy jako bazowe Narzędzia IT w rodzinie finansów:
o 10-modułowy interaktywny kurs e-learningowy dla dorosłych mieszkańców - do podstawowych programów z zakresu finansów, oszczędności, inwestycji, ubezpieczeń, e-biznesu itp. dla dorosłych mieszkańców gmin. 
o 6-modułowy kurs e-learningowy dla bibliotekarzy-instruktorów prowadzących ich zajęcia w nauczaniu i pisaniu.

Platforma e-learningowa projektu "O finansach ... w bibliotece":

O mnie wiadomość można zrobić na blogu:
Opis projektu na stronie FRSI:
Dodam fakultatywnie na zakończenie, że od grudnia 2018 roku FRSI, bazując na swoim 5-letnim doświadczeniu w realizacji projektu "O finansach ... w bibliotece", realizuje w ramach programu ERASMUS + projekt "Wiedza o finansach poprzez biblioteki publiczne", dzięki realizacji jest gwałtownie podnoszony poziom wiedzy (Finlandia, Belgia, Bułgaria, Słowenia, Rumunia). Badanie projektowe zostało zaplanowane do etapu 2021 roku.
Konsorcjum organizacji, które realizują projekt: 
Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Informacyjnego (FRSI)
Global Libraries Bulgaria Foundation (GLBF)
Biblioteka Narodowa i Uniwersytecka (NUK)
Biblioteka Judeteana Ovid Densusianu Hunedoara (BJHD)
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Profile picture for user Zabytki.
Marcin Szeląg
Community Hero (Gold Member).
Do., 28.02.2019 - 23:29

The Brooklyn Museum in New York created a mobile app that helps you visiting museum and learning from exhibitions. The innovation of this tool lies in its simplicity. App allows you to ask questions about viewed works of art and get answers in real time. Thus, there are no ready answers to hypothetical questions, but they are prepared for specific, individual questions that appear when someone visiting the museum. At the technical level, the application is a communicator that allows you to connect with educators who are in museum galleries at the same time. Their task is to answer any doubts raised during the visit, in particular, questions about the meaning of exhibited works of art. The most interesting questions and answers are then posted on the website. A good educational tool combining a traditional educational method with mobile app. See 
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Profile picture for user James Callus.
James Callus
Do., 28.02.2019 - 22:55

The Directorate for Digital Literacy and Transversal Skills in collaboration with St Margaret College embarked on the Family Project which was organised for the first time in Maltese schools. The concept of the Family Coding programme, which focuses on the creative use of the school tablet as part of the One Tablet per Child initiative, is to invite parents/guardians together with their children who are in Years 4, 5 and 6, to discuss how these can be used in computational thinking processes. In these sessions, parents/guardians and their children had to collaborate together to plan and create a digital story from scratch and availed themselves of a spherical robot to engage in problem solving activities. Unplugged activities were also carried out to acquaint parents/guardians and children with the aforementioned thinking processes. This initiative also endeavoured to make our schools accessible to the wider community to foster the students’ digital competences while collaboratively working with their parents/guardians hence bridging the digital divide.  

The Directorate for Digital Literacy and Transversal Skills and Malta Libraries have partnered up to offer Parents/Guardians the opportunity to participate in several coding workshops together with their children (age 8 - 10). During the workshop, adults are assisted by their children to help discover ways in which they can learn to code through play! These sessions form part of Malta Libraries' programme for EU Code Week Malta 2018.
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I like that this involves the parents/carers, given that research has showed that many parents do not feel confident in helping their children with homework (never mind coding!). It is a good way for families to learn together, and increase the confidence and skills of adults in digital.
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Anna Nowicka
Do., 28.02.2019 - 22:40

Association "Edukacja-Młodzież" has completed the project "Gastronomy and Hotel-Activity on the Labor Market TRIO" financed from the Operational Program Knowledge Education Development (PO WER) co-financed from the European Social Fund. As part of the project, two types of mobility were organized: - mobility of graduates of gastronomic and hotel and related departments from the Pleszew poviat, ie graduates up to one year after graduating from a school, ie a vocational school or technical school, and neighboring poviats (Krotoszyn, Jarocin, Ostrów Wlkp.). Trainees left in 5 groups of 5,11,11, 2 and 2 people, in total 31 people left - mobility of the staff (10 persons) - teachers of vocational subjects, vocational counselors and managerial staff - ZSZ and Middle School with Adaptation Units to Work in Pleszew. Mobility of both groups was preceded by pedagogical and cultural-linguistic preparation. The project was carried out from September 1, 2016. until June 30, 2018 in cooperation with two partner organizations: Azzura Società Cooperativa Sociale and Umbria Training Center. The objectives of the project are: exchange of European experience, promotion of innovative working methods, establishing direct international cooperation, learning about different organizational solutions, comparison of Polish and Italian vocational education system, acquiring new professional qualifications, learning about Italian culture, acquiring freedom in international communication, learning topics related to issues professional education of pupils / students, learning innovative solutions in teaching content and managing a vocational training institution. The results of the project are: professional and personal development of project participants, adaptation of best practices and transfer of knowledge, establishing international cooperation, deepening knowledge in the field of vocational education, increasing language competences. Participation in the project contributed to obtaining additional skills: experience in a multicultural environment, strengthening adaptive and personality skills. All these factors in the long-term will increase the mobility of all participants and improve their functioning on the open European labor market.
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Profile picture for user tambaum.
Tiina Tambaum
Do., 28.02.2019 - 16:15

Dear colleagues 
Thank you for that interesting discussion and a valuable set of information. 

The focus of my academic research has been teenager tutors and their tutoring behaviour by facilitating the acquisition of e-skills by older learners. The information about young non-professional tutors, their tutoring techniques and styles is still relatively limited. The main focus has been on measures of satisfaction after intergenerational learning interventions. 

Usually, both parts – young and older – involved in such programs express rather positive feelings. But the subjective emotional feedback about the final results of the project gives little knowledge about real interaction and its features during the tutoring-learning process. 

I have found out that teenagers tutoring style tend to be rather authoritarian and descriptive in nature and therefore the efficiency of such tutoring is questionable. The tutors, while mediating tacit knowledge without transferring them to implicit form, risk exaggerating with demonstration. The demonstration is a style which requires a big cognitive capacity (especially short term memory) from the learner. The tutoring dialogue tends to be rather non-interactive. Therefore the interactive tutoring techniques, including scaffolding should be introduced to young tutors before such tasks. 

I post here three pieces of this research in case of deeper interest. 
1. The text which sums up my article „Teenaged Internet tutors’ use of scaffolding with older learners“ published on the web of The Education Lab of Teachers College Columbia University…

2. Full text of the article „Young Tutors Facilitating the Acquisition of Basic E-skills by Older Learners: The Problem of Selecting the Learning Topics“…;

3. Full text of the article „Teenaged Internet tutors’ level of interactivity by sharing tacit and explicit knowledge with older learners. 
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Profile picture for user David Th. Ausserhuber.
David T Ausserhuber
Do., 28.02.2019 - 16:09

short summary in English:
blended lecturing at two universities in Afghanistan: academic symposium held by means of online digital-media lecturing combined with traditional lecturing methods at the university venues (performed by ICUMEDA Intercultural Mediation & Art, state-registered mediation in Austria and Afghanistan). 
for visual image see ICUMEDA Twitter link:

more details in German:
Auf der Fachtagung in Weimar des PAD/Kultusministerkonferenz am 15. Mai 2018 wurde über Erfolgsmomente in der Förderung von Toleranz und Bildung berichtet, die in Afghanistan durch Kunst- und Forschungsprojekte der akademischen Mediation ICUMEDA erzielt wurden. Vorgestellt wurde auf der Fachtagung u.a. das Vorhaben, ausgewählte Einheiten des akademischen Lehrmoduls "Konfliktmanagement" des WS 2018/19 der Sigmund Freud PrivatUniversität an der Universität in Zentralafghanistan darzubieten, konkrete Vorbereitungen dafür starteten im Sommer 2018. 

In vier digital übertragenen Echtzeit-Vorlesungen sowie einer abschießenden Präsenzvorlesung wird an den zentralafghanischen Universitäten Bamiyan und Daykundi den Teilnehmenden derzeit das akademische Symposium dargeboten. 

Durch die akademische Mediation ICUMEDA wurden drei ehrenamtliche afghanische Bildungsmediatoren eingesetzt, die im Zeitraum der Online-Vorlesungen vor Ort an den Universitäten für einen reibungslosen Ablauf sowie vorab für die schriftliche Übersetzung des Lehrstoffs in Persisch sorgen. Um ihre Aufgabe als Schnittstelle zwischen Dozent und Teilnehmenden des Symposiums wahrnehmen zu können, wurden sie im Vorfeld mit IPads und Internetmodems ausgestattet, die die Kommunikation und Koordinierung ermöglicht sowie eine zusätzliche (aufgrund des noch andauernden schwelenden Kriegszustandes örtlich unabhängige) Möglichkeit zur digitalen Echtzeit-Übertragung der Vorlesungen bieten. 

Das Symposium stellt sicher, dass neben jahrzehntelanger Realität des Krieges auch traumapädagogische Maßnahmen auf akademischem Niveau Realität werden dürfen, die wiederum den Weg zur Weiterbildung im Rahmen der Ur-Mediation durch Bildungsmotivation und partizipativer Erwachsenenbildung ebnen. Es ist anzunehmen, dass digitale Bildung(-svermittlung) dabei weiter eine große Rolle spielen wird: Universitäten in Afghanistans Hauptstadt sind inzwischen dabei, die ersten Online-Studiengänge einzuführen.

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Profile picture for user nkoikmer.
Merle KOIK
Do., 28.02.2019 - 14:57

We have organized trainings in the library where young people from Youth Centre teach elderly people to use smartphones and tablets. The most interesting thing is that young people are very happy in doing so because they get a teaching experience. 
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Good example, Merle. Often we underestimate the role of libraries in adult education and specially in teaching digital skill to disadvantaged learners in which group also elderly people belongs. 
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Profile picture for user RASA POCEVIČIENĖ.
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).
Do., 28.02.2019 - 14:24

Meaningful and successful personal and professional life of today and the future requires the person’s ability to adjust to the constantly changing environment, the ability and inclination to constructively react to changes, act in accordance with constantly renewing and increasing information. The ICT are very useful here, but we need to able to learn, more exactly to manade our learning; therefore, the idea of lifelong learning is raised as one of the most important educational aims and one of the essential expected outcomes. Learning to learn is understood as the person’s wish and readiness to take up new tasks, the ability to control cognitive and emotional processes while learning and apply acquired abilities in various contexts. for this purpose we also could use ICT. 
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Profile picture for user n0031t9j.
Do., 28.02.2019 - 13:45

We would like to share with you two good examples of E-learning initiatives implemented by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Trainning in Spain: That's English (English language online learning) /es/blog/el-programa-thats-english-una-experiencia-e-learning    and Aula Mentor (Online courses for adults) /es/blog/un-buen-ejemplo-de-iniciativa-e-learning-aula-mentor

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Profile picture for user nlaplaim.
Do., 28.02.2019 - 13:36

I‘m librarian and EPALE ambassador from Lithuania. I want to share one example of successful project from our country. Family Digital activity Hubs in four Latvian and Lithuanian libraries were established by implementing a cross border cooperation project. Family Digital Activity Hubs (DigiHubs) started working in Utena, Zarasai, Daugavpils and Preili libraries in February of 2019. Special DigiHubs’ spaces were established in 4 libraries and equipped with all the needed equipment: computers, interactive screens, 3D printers, Lego robots, Kinect, virtual reality and interactive bicycle sets. Attractive educational content has been developed: virtual reality and interactive bicycle tours, Kinect quizzes, mobile applications, Lego robots, and 3D programming workshops. Mentors for the DigiHubs have been trained and are able to provide assistance and training for DigiHubs users. Today, these hubs serve as technology cognition centers where all people can come and get acquainted with the advanced technologies and interactive educational content. Families, young and old people can learn together continuously acquiring important technology skills. More information on developed methodologies is available online: 
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CONNECTED LITHUANIA project was launched in April, 2018. The main goal is to encourage and support Lithuanian citizens in acquiring digital skills for an effective, safe, and responsible use of the Internet. 

National Campaign Senior‘s Online 2018 – almost 12 000 participants

One of the first activities of the project on the national scale was national campaign “Senior‘s Week Online 2018”, which was held in October and involved 12 000 participants. “No coincidence we started with the campaign for seniors, because today this group of citizens is the least active internet users of all Lithuania's population. Therefore, the campaign and overall CONNECTED LITHUANIA project encourages society to acquire and develop their digital skillls more actively. The number of seniors in the campaign as well as the increasing number of participants every day is the evidence of the relevance and need of the events like this,” said Loreta Križinauskienė, the director of the project partner association “Langas į ateitį”. During the campaign, 65 public libraries as well as M.Mazvydas National Library invited seniors to the Senior‘s Online 2018 activities. Different topics were chosen for every weekday: free time information online, e-health, buying online, public e-services, e-security and online communication. According to the data obtained from public libraries, more than 6 thousand seniors attended activities, and more than 5 thousand became online webinar participants. The most popular topic for seniors was e-health. 

700 local communities involved

One of the main target audiences of the project are Lithuanian local communities. This is not only an opportunity for them to become a smart digital community, but also an opportunity to diversify their activities. During the three-year project, communities are expected to move online and their representatives will be offered a lot of opportunities to improve their digital skills and take advantage of the digital world. In 10 months CONNECTED LITHUANIA project team has organized several meetings with local community leaders and their appointed representatives called digital leaders. They have been introduced to the project activities and goals. Digital leaders network has already been established involving over 600 active community members which will help people in their communities to understand the role of the information and communication technologies as well as the importance to develop digital skills. They will inform their community about the ongoing project activities, digital skills trainings, help to recognize community digital skills level, initiate digital projects and encourage community members to improve their life improving their digital skills. 

More information 

The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the budget of the Republic of Lithuania.
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Profile picture for user NevenkaK.
Nevenka Kocijančič
Do., 28.02.2019 - 10:23

Slovenian Institute for Adult Education – SIAE ( deals with the basic skill of digital literacy from different perspectives. In addition to the description that Mateja Pečar presented yesterday, we are now introducing an educational film ( about this basic competence. It was created in the ESF project Adult Competences Development 2016–2022 (…).

This a personal story about a retired man, Mr Bojan Rus, that shows how obtaining knowledge, skills and abilities in the nowadays digital environment is necessary in order to be digitally competent. Digital competence can help you save up and fill your daily life with challenges. The user of the video study resource is presented with a personal story and learns about the digital competence.

The user thus builds their understanding about how often in life we come across digital environment and how our daily routine and the field or work are intertwined with digital and technological solutions.

The movie is 24 minutes long. It includes the Educational part, Let’s recap and the trailer introducing the basic information about 8 key competences.

During the educational part of the movie we learn more about the 8 key competences and see a detailed presentation of the digital competence. The Let’s recap part of the film summarises the information we learned in the educational movie about the digital key competence. In the last minutes, the trailer provides us with the basic information about the 8 key competences. All of them will be presented through the series of the educational movies titled On the Path to a Successful Life educational movies. 4 of them are already available with English subtitles (…).

Educational Movies on key competences

SIAE has started to develop a concept of educational movies about key competences to provide basic information on key competences to adult learners. Movies are multimedia tools, especially useful for those adults who have more problems with written texts and therefore easily accept information through video. The main focus in the movies is on the personal experience of an individual and the development of the particular key competence through a change the protagonist has undertaken.

Educational movies are practical tools for animation and gaining the motivation of learners from various vulnerable groups. They have a motivational character and address learners through role models that have everyday problems but solve them through learning. Introducing a personal story causes the identification of participants in the field of adult education, and learning as the act of a protagonist in a video makes them think: ‘I can do it too, I have to do something.’ Emotional personal stories, therefore, engage learners in decisions to take individual actions, for example, they visit educational institutions and get information on learning programs. The educational part of the video is structured in such a way that spectators learn about all the main characteristics of the chosen key competence in a relaxed and humorous way. The didactic form of the movie is adapted to vulnerable groups of adults, so the educational content is presented in a very clear and simple way. Movies can be used either for the independent individual learning or as a tool for group work and learning, as warm-up motivation and/or as a summary for repetition. Educational movies with English subtitles are available for free at…;
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Profile picture for user argo.
Nicki Panou
Do., 28.02.2019 - 10:01

In ARGO-Alternative Therapeutic Program for Addicted Individuals ( we have a group called "Digital Empowerment". Digital Empowerment is a creative approach to the teaching of information and communication technologies and it is also an effective entry point for its members, who are people that have either disengaged from the learning process or lack confidence with new technologies. This group helps develop communication skills, using creative tools and information techniques, always focusing on people’s lives, through stories, pictures, music, video and narration. Digital Empowerment puts the member of the group in focus, as it builds on the member’s experiences for their involvement with the group, through the development of a short video. You can watch some of these videos, created by members of the group here:
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Profile picture for user nbroesmo.
Do., 28.02.2019 - 07:54

Welcome to the fourth day of online exchange of good practices in digital learning. Last day I provided an overview of the projects mentioned. I will provide a full summary later. I am looking forward to yet another productive day of exchange!
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Profile picture for user Andrea Rabassini.
Andrea Rabassini
Do., 28.02.2019 - 00:10

I teach Italian as a second language to adult people. For my job I created the site La scuola con me (The school with me): it contains materials available for free to everybody who wants to teach or learn Italian as a foreign or second language.
Here my article for EPALE about the site: /en/content/la-scuola-con-me-site-teaching-and-learning-italian
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Ewa Maria Grzesiak
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).
Mi., 27.02.2019 - 20:00

This is interesting topic and it's very needed in the adult education, but we shouldn't focus on only the new technology. It should be a part of the projects. Why? Becuase we observe addiction of mobile, social media, internet. Usually it's problem of young people, but it can be the problem of adults and seniors. We should always remember about balance between new technology and real life. New technology should be a tool, it shouldn't subsitute face to face contacts.
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Profile picture for user Panagiota Polymeropoulou.
Panagiota Polymeropoulou
Fr., 22.03.2019 - 13:48

The project “Mu.SA: Museum Sector Alliance” (ongoing project) is approved in the European Framework of Erasmus+ / Sector Skills Alliances. It aims to address the increasing disconnection between formal education and training and the world of work because of the emergence of new job roles due to the quickening pace of the adoption of ICT in the museum sector. Mu.SA addresses directly the shortage of digital and transferable skills identified in the museum sector.
The partnership consists of eleven partners from four Countries: Hellas, Italy, Portugal and Belgium with coordinator the Hellenic Open University - DAISSy Research Group, Hellas.
Mu.SA – Museum Sector Alliance project opens a series of online and offline learning opportunities to develop essential digital skills for museum professionals.
The online course “Essential Digital Skills for Museum Professionals”(MOOC) is especially designed for the museum community, both for professionals as well as students, volunteers or unemployed, who want to pursue their future career in the museum sector. The aim is to support these groups to improve their digital competences and apply them in their daily work at the museums.
The Mu.SA MOOC is a flexible, self-paced course that requires learner’s engagement for at most 10 hours per week. The course is organized in modules that allows students to develop a complete set of digital and transferable competences required for the museum sector.
The MOOC aims at enhancing the digital skills and 21st century skills of museum and cultural professionals. It consists of training modules based on the European e-competences framework (e-CF), DigComp and P21 – the course is a unique combination of these standards, and for this reason it is considered as best practice at European level. The instructional design was based on learning outcomes and is modular in order to allow each trainee to study based on his / her pace and availability.
The MOOC extends to 8 weeks of training and requires a total of 80 hours of training and study. Each week, it focuses on 1 e-CF competence (a European standard of IT skills) and combines competences from DigComp (the global standard of digital literacy of the average citizen) and P21 (a 21st century skill model) frameworks. For each competence, a separate training module has been designed, the material of which is grouped in units. Each unit includes presentations, videos and study material related to a set of learning outcomes that are assessed at the end.
Online tutors monitor, assist and facilitate learners’ training procedure. Once enrolled, students have guided access to all videos, quizzes, and assignments. The course is designed as to facilitate active participation, peer-learning and open discussion among the course participants.
The training platform was developed by the DAISSy team of HOU.
After the completion of this course, learners will be able to develop and use digital and transferable competences necessary for professionals working in the museum sector.
Beyond the ability to developdigital strategy, digital content or use digital tools and platforms, students will also advance skills like time management, communication, team-working, leadership and creative thinking.
The course is free and open for all, already running since the 7th of January 2019! The main language of the training is English and videos are subtitled in Greek, Italian and Portuguese.
Up to now, more than 5,200 people have registered in the course from all around the world!

Learners who will complete the MOOC and succeed in at least 80% of graded activities are eligible to continue their learning journey by applying for an advanced, 6 months specialization course. Selected participants can choose focused training in one of the emerging job profiles: Digital Strategy Manager, Digital Collections Curator, Digital Interactive Experience Developer and Online Community Manager. The selected group of at least 75 people (MOOC alumni) will be able to continue to the specialization course, that will include blended (online and face to face) and work-based learning (in a cultural organization), which will be conducted in Greece, Italy and Portugal.
More information about the MOOC in here and the Mu.SA project in here.

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Profile picture for user n002kfu8.
Vicky Maratou
Mi., 27.02.2019 - 17:47

The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)"Together Old and Young: An Intergenerational Approach" is one of the main outputs of the Erasmus+ project TOY PLUS: Together Old and Young – Practitioners Learning and Upscaling Skills that started on the 1st of November 2016 and finished on the 31st October 2018. 
The online course addresses intergenerational learning issues, especially focusing on the age groups of young children from 0-8 years old and older people in the age of retirement. It can help anyone who wishes to participate in continuing professional development opportunities in intergenerational learning and discover practical ways to create good quality and sustainable intergenerational learning activities.
The online course is relevant for early childhood education and care practitioners, primary school teachers (working with 4 to 8 year-olds), social care practitioners working with older adults, community development workers i.e. practitioners and volunteers working in community groups such as those linked to community social and cultural centres, sports clubs, scouting or religious institutions, practitioners and volunteers working in libraries and museums, educational specialists in non-formal learning, etc.
Up until now, the online course has run twice and has successfully trained more than 150 adult learners from Europe and around the world. The online course is free of charge and will be available again, on the 4th March 2019. Registrations are open until Sunday, 3rd March 2019.
The MOOC platform has been developed and is supported by the DAISSy Group from Hellenic Open University, whereas the educational material has been developed by the experts in intergenerational learning, that is the Dublin Institute of Technology, the Beth Johnson Foundation/Linking Generations Northern Ireland and the International Child Development Initiatives.
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Mi., 27.02.2019 - 16:18

The Lifelong Learning Platform is partner in an Erasmus+ project called DIGIT (Digital identity). The project seeks to boost adult learners' digital competences for a responsible use of online identity. Through this project, the consortium aims to investigate digital identity implications for adults and provide the necessary educational instruments and supporting tools for adult educators. 

The project has already delivered two main deliverables: A Manifesto with Guidelines for adult educators and a poster with 20 Tips to reflect on one's digital footprint. The training programme is currently being developed and will be tested this year in pilots taking place in partner countries. With partners stemming from seven different countries (Belgium, Spain, UK, Poland, Greece, Italy and Slovenia), the project will last for two years (2017-2019).

More info on the project website:

And Save the date for the project final conference in Brussels: 24 October 2019!

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Profile picture for user Renata Mnc.
Renata Minić
Mi., 27.02.2019 - 14:52

Sve je veće interesovanje starijih osoba za kompjutersku tehnologiju i Internet. Medijska popularizacija savremene tehnologije i koristi koje pojedinac može da dobije od nje, dosta je tome doprinela. U svakom gradu postoji realna potreba za sprovođenjem projekta informatičkog opismenjavanja građana. Penzioneri i nezaposlena lica, zbog svoje loše finansijske situacije, i pored želje da budu u toku sa savremenim tehnologijama, nisu u mogućnosti da sebi priušte kurseve koje škole računara organizuju. Biblioteke su oduvek bile stubovi kulture, pa i danas, kada je došlo do ekspanzije elektronske tehnologije i Interneta, od ključne je važnosti da biblioteke bude te koje će da pomognu u opismenjavanju građana da rukuju novom tehnologijom. Bibliotekari su ti, koji treba da ih obuče za rukovanje savremenim načinima dolaženja do informacija. 
Narodna biblioteka „Ilija M. Petrović“ Požarevac (Srbija), osmislila je projekat informatičkog opismenjavanja starijih i nezaposlenih lica, vodeći se iskustvima pojedinih svojih kolega iz Srbije, kao i iz sveta. Projekat informatičkog opismenjavanja starijih i nezaposlenih lica Biblioteka u Požarevcu počela je da sprovodi u delo na jesen 2013. godine, organizujući besplatnu obuku „Upoznajte se sa virtuelnim svetom računara – informatičko opismenjavanje“. Projekat je finansirala sama Biblioteka, koristeći se već postojećim sredstvima u Biblioteci – 4 slobodna računara, koji su imali instalirane programe potrebne za samu obuku i priključak na Internet. Obuka se obavljala sa po dve grupe od 4 polaznika dnevno i trajala je 2 nedelje – 3 puta nedeljno. Ukupno šest časova po grupi, što se pokazalo kao dovoljno za upoznavanje polaznika sa osnovama rada na računarima. Projekat se sprovodio 3 godine u Biblioteci u Požarevcu, ali od prošle godine krenulo se sa sprovođenjem i u njenom Odeljenju u Kostolcu. 
Sama obuka prilagođena je apsolutnim početnicima koji žele da nauče osnove rada na računaru, kako bi sebi olakšali korišćenje računara i korišćenje nekih osnovnih njegovih funkcija kao što su: čuvanje podataka bilo na računaru ili na nekom od mnogobrojnih prenosivih uređaja, slanje mail-ova i pretraživanje Interneta kao i korišćenje nekih od besplatnih usluga koje se mogu pronaći na internetu: društvene mreže (facebook, twitter…), preuzimanje muzike, gledanje filmova, prebacivanje fotografija sa fotoaparata i telefona na kompjuter itd. Obuku je uspešno savladalo 190 osoba.
Specijalno za potrebe obuke, napravljen je priručnik, kako za predavače, tako i za polaznike kursa Informatičko opismenjavanje starijih lica, koji je tokom meseci informatičke obuke, prerađivan i dopunjavan, da bi na kraju bio publikovan u maju 2014. godine. Publikacija ima 86 strana, broširana je i napravljena da bude što preglednija budućim predavačima bibliotekarima, a može da se koristi i kod samostalnog učenja pojedinaca. Uputstva za rad su pojednostavljena jer su, pored postupnog objašnjena za svaki proces rada na računarima, pridodate i ilustracije u boji. Kroz šest lekcija, sažeto su opisane osnove o radu sa računarima i korišćenja Interneta. Polaznici kursa su za svaki čas dobijali besplatno odštampani nastavni materijal sa lekcijom koja se toga dana radila, što se pokazalo kao dobar potez, jer im je taj materijal koristio za uvežbavanje i kao podsetnik za kasniji rad kod kuće. 
Ovaj projekat je naišao na odlično prihvatanje i podršku sugrađana. Značaj projekta za Narodnu biblioteku u Požarevcu je u tome što ovakvim aktivnostima postaje prepoznatljiva kao socijalno i društveno aktivna ustanova i omogućava lokalnoj zajednici bolje usluge, povećava broj korisnika, povećava broj usluga koje pruža, čime se, takođe, afirmišu i zadovoljavaju neke od potreba socijalno najugroženijih građana.

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Mi., 27.02.2019 - 14:13

We have a small scale project with 3 other partnering countries about how students with low level of ICT or Literacy can evaluate themselves where they stand. Also we suggest how this can be used for teachers or teaching advisor to plan their future studies. How they can improve their skills. We call it easy-easier. We will soon have a digital version uploaded on our webpage, where the students can do drag and drop and get their results digitally. Our webpage is 

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Profile picture for user Mateja Pečar.
Mateja Pečar
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).
Fr., 01.03.2019 - 10:56

In 2018 Slovenian Institute for Adult Education (SIAE- issued the booklet Digital Literacy (…) within the ESF project called Adult Competences Development 2016–2022 (…). 
The booklet Digital Literacy is a part of the collection titled Descriptors of Key Competences. This way, we continue the work of a previous ESF project called Literacy Development, Assessment and Recognition of non-formal Learning 2011–2014 (…), where we also prepared, in cooperation with the teachers practitioners, booklets (…) with descriptors for Key Competences for Communication in the Mother Tongue, Learning to learn, Self-initiative and Entrepreneurship, and Mathematical Competence and Key Competences in Science and Technology. 

In designing descriptors for selected areas of key competences, we have chosen a method of action research, which requires close cooperation of experts with the practitioners – teachers and mentors. It is about connecting a profound expert work with mutual learning. A working group ensures the practitioners with an opportunity to get to the core of the theoretical foundations of their work with people and at the same time explore and research individual competence in their direct educational practice. Then, they are able to connect their findings with a theory in the framework of the group’s operations. The experience shows that this is one of the most genuine forms of professionals’ learning, within which the practice and theory are constantly intertwined. Here, the colleagues learn about this whole cycle of action research as a method that can be applied to their work in any field. The result of the group’s work are of course descriptors of specific competency, which arise on the basis of real situations and people’s needs, and are tested in the process of the action research. 

Here is a short introduction of the publication Digital Literacy (only in Slovenian:…). The booklet presents a detailed description of the key competence named digital literacy in this case, which means the ability of an individual to use and act in the digital world. Digital literacy is the ability to safely and critically apply information society technologies in various areas: at work, for leisure and in communication with others. Digital competence is a key component of digital literacy. It includes the critical and safe use of digital technology at work, personal needs in leisure and communication. In this regard, basic computer knowledge, such as the use of a computer for searching, evaluating, storing, producing, presenting and exchanging information, and communicating and collaborating on shared networks on the internet, is merely a basis for discovering other, rapidly evolving digital tools. 
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Profile picture for user nkeserfi.
Mi., 27.02.2019 - 11:21

Danube University Krems, Department for Continuing Education Research and Educational Management has been coordinating a pioneering European project about the use of public libraries as safe and inclusive learning environments funded by Erasmus+ Programme. The project LIB(e)RO aims at the establishment of an online platform based on the inclusion and involvement of libraries and librarians in order to provide minor refugees a safe place where they can learn the culture and language of the host countries. The project targets minor refugees who are at risk of social exclusion due to their difficulties and librarians and social workers who have been working or might work with minor refugees. With this goal in mind, LIB(e)RO underlines that an inclusive educational approach is the most important key to successful integration into a new language and cultural region and to strengthen them. In this context, public libraries offer ideal and untapped places that meet all the conditions for a safe and socially inclusive, intercultural learning environment and also as the main "media" in language acquisition: e-learning infrastructure, face-to-face encounter, and books. In the project LIB(e)RO, inclusive education means implementing an e-learning platform, which allows for active learning of language and culture in the study room of the public library and the start of lifelong learning in Europe. This learning platform provides a variety of opportunities to introduce and develop language skills in terms of reading, writing and speaking to acquire different levels of competence and linking this over with intercultural content and information about the life and structures in Europe. On the other hand, this e-learning platform also provides professional support for the librarians to perform according to the new demands on their role and position as a stakeholder in the process of lifelong learning. Librarians can gain basic information and know-how in order to introduce socially inclusive learning approach to make their libraries safe and socially inclusive places for learning. They can learn participatory processes such as how to organize their respective library so that socially inclusive learning is enabled and is encouraged and may even hold sessions for youth, possibly accompanied by other professions and experts. The acronym, LIB(e)RO, combines Latin word "LIBER" for book and "liberare" for freeing by the small "-e" as a symbol of online learning platform into the verb "LIB(e)RO" (I free, I discard, etc.) and it provides a unique opportunity in the current refugee debate for Europe. Books that are combined with socially inclusive education, embedded in a powerful digital educational landscape, enable young people to process their experiences and to "liberate" themselves by allowing them to develop and take up learning paths for themselves. The project consortium has been working on the project since October 2016 with a great synergy that comes from the expertise and the hands-on-knowledge of its partners from Austria, Germany, and Greece. You can reach our learning platform at… where you can choose between trainers and learners’ part and work on interesting and relevant topics in three languages, German, English and Greek. There are videos to introduce both the project and how to use the platform. Please go and try and let us know. LIB(e)RO has already been tested by several libraries in Lower Austria, Vienna, Passau and Athens, but we are always looking for new users. Moreover, LIB(e)RO has been nominated for IFLA Section Library Services to Multicultural Populations (MCULTP) 2019 Award in recognition of good practices. The MCULTP Award is for inspiring reports of relevant and useful practices and ideas for multicultural library services. We will be presenting LIB(e)RO in 2019 IFLA World Library and Information Congress in Athens in August. You can visit our website ( and Facebook page for more information.
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Profile picture for user ntoptcsi.
Mi., 27.02.2019 - 10:52

The IDCAP project will be about three of the eight key competences: mainly Digital Competence and, through this, the Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology and communication in the mother tongue. For this reason in relation to our target group, we have chosen the Adult Education priority "Improving and extending the supply of high quality learning opportunities tailored to the needs of individual low-skilled or low-qualified adults" because we will prepare initial and continuing products to this target group. In relation with competences and skills, we have chosen the horizontal priority "Development of relevant and high-quality skills and competences" because we will work with the digital skills and the basic competences in science and technology, in fact, to develop the European key competence "Digital competence" promoting the use of ICT and progress towards to higher qualifications. 

Project's facebook page is now available at:
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Veronika Pflaum
Mi., 27.02.2019 - 10:42

In 2018, Gorenjski muzej (Kranj, Slovenia) started a two-year KA1 Erasmus+ project on digital museum practice in adult education. The starting point of our project was not how to teach adults using the ICT, but how to make use of the already existing knowledge and skills in ICT to offer our adult public new knowledge connected with the activities and collections of our museum and the cultural heritage in general. Our project is focused mainly on possibilities of educating our adult public by way of our web-site and social media. So far we used them mainly to inform our public on our museum, our events and exhibitions. Now we would like to develop a systematic concept of how to use them as additional media of education, next to the already existing classical forms of museum education such as exhibitions, lectures, guided tours, workshops etc.

Our plan is to first assess the present state of our educational activities and offer on our web-site and social media. Next, we will discuss the possibilities of upgrading our existing practices by developing new contents and ways of educating through these media. We will try to get new ideas also through job-shadowing in two museums abroad with different practices and experiences in this field, and also in direct communication with our adult public. Finally, we will develop a systematic and realisable scheme of future development of digital museum practice in adult education in our museum. We will start implementing our scheme during our project and continue gradually in the following years. We expect that by realizing this project we will be able to address and educate a wider circle of people and attract new target groups of adults who would like to learn about cultural heritage. 
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Profile picture for user nbroesmo.
Mi., 27.02.2019 - 07:19

The first two days of exchange in this forum already yielded an overwhelming amount of interesting projects:
  1. Digital Invasions - Using Social Media to enhance participation in culture: The course aims at transferring a good practice in the enhacement of cultural participation for both youngesters and adults. Participants will learn how to engage their primary target group in the digital valorisation of local tangible and intangible cultural heritage, so to increase the sense of ownership and the knowledge of the territory.
  2. Effective eTutoring in online platforms: The course aims at transferring adult trainee-centered strategies for lifelong e-learning to trainers with low or no experience in the field. Using Moodle as an example, participants will have the chance to learn how to set-up a course, taking care of all those key aspects that increase interactivity and improve the learning expeience of the adult learner.
  3. eFacilitation for the inclusion of disadvantaged groups: The course is addressed to adult education staff working with socially fragile target groups, such as NEETs, migrants, elderly and long-term unemployed. The main aim of the course is to provide the adult educators those technical, operational and social competencies needed for the digital empowerment of non-profit organizations and their main target group.
  4. The future teacher 3.0 - KA2 project: The KA2 project "The future teacher 3.0 as a bridge to accessible and customized adult education" to prepare the teachers for adult education of the future. In our project we want to focus in 1st place on the ICT competencies of teachers but also that they use ICT to improve their lessons.
  5. Toll-net (Technology supported lifelong learning) to support the digital competencces of school leaders and teachers: /nl/blog/trajecten-op-maat-om-digitale-vaardigheden-van-leerkrachtenschoolleiders-te-versterken
  6. Digitaal op stap: course materials for digital literacy: /nl/blog/digitaal-op-stap-lessenbundel-voor-digitale-geletterdheid
  7. SAIL ‘socially inclusive ICT-based adult learning’ project. Researcher study the societal challenges to use socially inclusive ICT: /nl/blog/sail-project-can-ict-based-adult-education-strengthen-social-inclusion-adult-learners
  8. A methode for blended learning of native Dutch language learners.
  9. The practice materials on are directed towards individual use. We now explore more joint- modes of learning, leading to "Samen leren". See:
  10. EPALE online course “Lektorské minimum/ Trainers minimum” for beginners or inexperienced trainers. Our aim is not only to provide a course but also make some promotion for EPALE. The course is video based, easy to access and using micro-learning approach. We have reached 500 enrolments first month after launch.
  11. "Stepup2technology": The “Stepping Up to Technology in Adult Education towards Awareness, Assessment and Access” is an ERASMUS+ - project (2017-2019) focusing on building the ICT capacity of adult educators in their specific occupational context. The main idea of the project is that the professional development and the quality of educators is one of the most important factors in shaping the quality of adult learning. Adult learning staff help learners to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes. But the traditional role of the educator increasingly changes into that of a coach, a facilitator and a moderator. New professional skills are required for working in new (online and digital) learning environments, to include learning strategies based on ICT (e-learning, blended learning) in the classroom, and to guide and support adult learners throughout their learning processes.
  12. Breaking Barriers, an ERASMUS+ project, was born out of the realisation that adults taking literacy classes were being faced with a distinct gap between the work covered in the classroom and the way society is functioning. A toolkit for adult educators to make use of the ideas and strategies for teaching literacy in class, was developed and may be found here: (link is external)
  13. CAST4Innovation, standing for Cultural Awareness Supporting Training for Innovation. Our aim is to design innovative, accredited transnational training, both online and person-to -person, which will enable the participating trainees to progress to progress afterwards to expand the delivery of cultural awareness courses throughout the UK, Ireland and Europe. As well as a generic exploration of the elements of culture, diversity, xenophobia, racism, bigotry, social inclusion and development of civic skills, trainees will be able to opt for specialist modules in the use of music, art, poetry, sport and cuisine as creative pathways to equality and social cohesion.
  14. SINDI – Social inclusion through digital literacy and intergenerational learning: The objective is to promote social inclusion and the motivation of older people through innovative integrated approaches, such as intergenerational learning at local, regional and international level, and increasing the level of digital competence of older people, promoting innovative digital skills teaching techniques, developing and disseminating learning materials and tools that are also applicable in other European countries.
  15.  “My Mom Is Learnıng To Use Computer” Project: Parents who can not catch up with developing technology can't support their children's education very much. Within the scope of "My Mom is Learning to use Computer" project, all mothers are being aimed to use computer and internet effectively."My Mom is Learning to use Computer" project aims to give the mothers computer training in the KIEM computer lab at the Public Training Center in the hours that they have idle time. Through this, parents will have the knowledge to contribute more to their children's education.
  16. The AgriWorker digital project: The AGRIworker app is an e-tool designed directly for the migrant agricultural workers. Here they can learn about the most common questions that arise about working conditions in agriculture in the project countries such as payment rates, holiday entitlements and how to understand the payslip. The agricultural worker can also learn about their possibilities of lifelong learning and basic knowledge of the country of work. 
Interesting publications/ reading:
  • EPALE-zine on digital and e-learning:
  • Publication "Digital Participation. Digital literacy for participation in the society of the future": /en/resource-centre/content/publication-digita...
  • Critical Media Literacy and Adult Education: /en/resource-centre/content/critical-media-lit...
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Profile picture for user nvalealt.
Mi., 27.02.2019 - 06:44

Dear colleagues, 

I could never fail to participate in this thematic discussion! Indeed, since I have started to work at European level as a manager of EU funded projects, digital skills and adult education have represented the two main topics that I've focused upon... and, most of the times, I have exploited them as a combined strategy for enhancing the social inclusion of disadvataged target groups. 

 I was only 24 yo when I've got my first Grundtivg Multilateral project approved: VInTAgE - Valorisation of Innovative Technologies for Ageing in Europe. That was a great learning experience where I have experienced how powerful could be the acquisition of digital skills for the self-determination and self-esteem of those with a low level of competence. 

The real turning point was when someone in the classroom realized to be able to create something new thanks to the digital skill just learned... then, the relevance level of what the trainer was saying or demonstrating had increased exponentially and those more skilled immediataly proposed themselves as peer-educators for the others. 

Based on the VInTAgE experience, during the years, we have designed and implemented many Erasmus+ projects and other national or local initiatives (eg. Social Hackathon Umbria) that we are now offering as a short-term training courses for adult educators from all over Europe. Here below, some examples: 

Digital Invasions - Using Social Media to enhance participation in culture
The course aims at transferring a good practice in the enhacement of cultural participation for both youngesters and adults. Participants will learn how to engage their primary target group in the digital valorisation of local tangible and intangible cultural heritage, so to increase the sense of ownership and the knowledge of the territory. 

Effective eTutoring in online platforms
The course aims at transferring adult trainee-centered strategies for lifelong e-learning to trainers with low or no experience in the field. Using Moodle as an example, participants will have the chance to learn how to set-up a course, taking care of all those key aspects that increase interactivity and improve the learning expeience of the adult learner.

eFacilitation for the inclusion of disadvantaged groups 
The course is addressed to adult education staff working with socially fragile target groups, such as NEETs, migrants, elderly and long-term unemployed. The main aim of the course is to provide the adult educators those technical, operational and social competencies needed for the digital empowerment of non-profit organizations and their main target group. 

More information about our projects at and our courses at
Best regards 
Altheo Valentini  
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Profile picture for user nbernaek.
Katrien Bernaerts
Di., 26.02.2019 - 21:44

Adult education faces major challenges right now, as well as in the future, with ever increasing diversity and cultural differences, and the need for learning environments and all education to respond to personal preferences and individual differences. With our KA2 project "The future teacher 3.0 as a bridge to accessible and customized adult education" to prepare the teachers for adult education of the future. In our project we want to focus in 1st place on the ICT competencies of teachers but also that they use ICT to improve their lessons. 
Across the project we are working on 4 main products (outputs): 
  • Digital thermometer 
  • Digital compass 
  • Digital journey 
  • Sharing and reusing 

Digital thermometer: This is a questionnaire that consists of a limited number of questions regarding IT policy and vision, the use of tools and digital learning resources. The questionnaire assesses the already acquired competences of the lecturer. The questionnaire (intake test) can be completed by the individual teacher or by a total teaching staff. The questionnaire can be used within all educational levels. 

Digital compass: The compass is a schematic representation of the already acquired competencies in the picture and an overview of the competencies that can still be worked on. On the basis of the results from the digital thermometer, the lecturer or the teaching staff will receive an individual learning path of online modules to be followed, face to face moments, training courses, ... the teacher will be taken on by hand as it were.  

Digital Journey:The digital journey consists of 19 online modules for teachers who use little ICT in their lessons and 19 modules for already experienced teachers. 

Share and reuse:  Finally, within the project, attention will also be paid to the sharing and reuse of existing materials by teachers. The digital thermometer, the compass and the journey are the common thread throughout the entire project. Learning takes place by discovering, sharing and developing knowledge. We take a big step forward when teachers use the same principles and discover, share and develop with colleagues across Europe. 

More information about the project:
The endconference is in Brussels on 23 and 24 may 2019.  

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Profile picture for user Karine Nicolay.
Karine Nicolay
Di., 26.02.2019 - 16:03

Toll-net biedt in Vlaanderen individuele trajecten digitale vaardigheden aan op maat van elke leraar/schoolleider aan. Deze trajecten hebben een dubbel doel: de digitale vaardigheden van de leerkrachten en schoolleiders versterken, zodat zij op hun beurt de digitale vaardigheden van de volwassen leerders in hun klassen/centra kunnen opkrikken. Lees er meer over op EPALE.

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Profile picture for user Karine Nicolay.
Karine Nicolay
Di., 26.02.2019 - 16:01

Het Centrum voor Basiseducatie Antwerpen geeft jaarlijks basisopleidingen aan tienduizend laaggeschoolde volwassenen, onder wie veel anderstaligen. Er zijn lessen Nederlands Tweede Taal, maatschappijoriëntatie, ICT en rekenen. Veel cursisten hebben de digitale trein gemist en ondervinden daar nadelige gevolgen van. In basiseducatie leren cursisten minimale vaardigheden die ze nodig hebben om mee te kunnen in de samenleving en daar horen digitale vaardigheden bij. Het Centrum voor Basiseducatie Antwerpen integreert ze daarom in de lessen van alle lesgevers. Het houdt daarbij vijf stelregels voor ogen. Lees er meer over op EPALE.

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Profile picture for user Karine Nicolay.
Karine Nicolay
Di., 26.02.2019 - 15:59

Steeds meer volwassenen lopen het gevaar om digitaal uit de boot te vallen. Net die digitale uitsluiting vergroot het risico op sociale uitsluiting. Daarom gaat het volwassenenonderwijs de uitdaging aan om opleidingen aan te bieden aan volwassenen van wie de digitale en sociale inclusie op het spel staat. Onderwijs-en vormingsinstellingen doen dit bijvoorbeeld door informatie- en communicatietechnologie (ICT) in veel opleidingen in te zetten. Want volwassenenonderwijs dat ICT integreert in de leertrajecten lijkt in staat te zijn om de maatschappelijke uitdagingen van sociale en digitale exclusie aan te gaan. Onderzoekers aan de Vrije Universiteit Brussel bestudeerden deze maatschappelijke uitdagingen in het kader van het ‘socially inclusive ICT-based adult learning’ project (SAIL). Je kan er meer over lezen op EPALE.

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Profile picture for user Karine Nicolay.
Karine Nicolay
Di., 26.02.2019 - 15:56

EPALE Vlaanderen maakte eerder een EPALE-zine over digitaal en e-leren. Hierin vind je verschillende voorbeelden van online leren in de volwasseneneducatie, onder meer over het SAIL-project van de Vrije Universiteit Brussel, het project 'digitaal op stap' van CBE Antwerpen, over Toll-net dat de digitale vaardigheden van lesgevers in de volwasseneneducatie versterkt, en Nedbox, een website waar anderstalige volwassenen Nederlands kunnen oefenen van KU Leuven. Je vindt het EPALE-zine hier.
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Profile picture for user NSS EPALE Nederland.
NSS EPALE Nederland
Di., 26.02.2019 - 14:51

Deze bijdrage is geschreven door Ina den Hollander, projectleider methodiek namens CINOP

De overheid, de samenleving, bedrijven en instellingen hebben er belang bij dat iedereen een leven lang kan werken aan de ontwikkeling van zijn of haar vaardigheden en competenties. Dat geldt ook voor laagopgeleide/laaggeletterde volwassenen, die een zetje nodig hebben om mee te kunnen doen in de samenleving. Om het niveau van (basis)vaardigheden op peil te houden en op te krikken in een snel veranderende samenleving moet het onderwijs aan volwassenen aansluiten bij die sterk aan verandering onderhevige leef- en belevingswereld, waarin digitale toepassingen en mobiele apparaten zoals tablets en smartphones ook voor deze doelgroepen een steeds grotere rol spelen.

Dit betekent dat een aanpak met alleen traditionele groepslessen op vaste tijden, een boek, pen en papier niet meer aansluit bij de wereld waarin volwassenen participeren. Voor CINOP en reden om te werken aan een nieuwe methodiek waarin online leren, individuele Skypelessen, groepsles en begeleiding door een vrijwilliger worden gecombineerd tot een traject op maat voor iedere deelnemer. Zo is de methodiek NT1leren tot stand gekomen.

Waarom voor NT1leerders
Een groot deel, ongeveer 65%, van de laaggeletterden in Nederland zijn autochtone moedertaalsprekers, ook wel NT1-leerders genoemd (M. Buisman, J. Allen, D. Fouarge, W. Houtkoop & R. van der Velden: PIAAC: Kernvaardigheden voor werk en leven. Resultaten van de Nederlandse survey 2012. ’s-Hertogenbosch: Expertisecentrum Beroepsonderwijs, 2013.). Deze doelgroep wordt door het reguliere aanbod van educatietrajecten slecht bereikt: het percentage NT1-leerders is gemiddeld minder dan 25% en in de grote steden zelfs minder dan 10% (P. Steehouder, P, Baay m.m.v. E. Jansens: Toekomst van de educatie vanuit het perspectief van roc’s. ’s-Hertogenbosch: Ecbo, 2016). Voor deze doelgroep is nog weinig online materiaal terwijl ook voor NT1-leerders online leren aantrekkelijk is, de enorme populariteit van de programma’s van de portal geven dat aan. Voor een doelgroep die vaak negatieve schoolervaringen heeft en schaamtegevoelens om de stap naar school te zetten kan online leren aantrekkelijk zijn. Online leren is ‘anoniemer’ en kan de drempel om de stap te zetten naar leren verlagen. Bovendien geeft online leren flexibiliteit in tijd, plaats en duur van het te volgen traject en kan in eigen tempo worden doorlopen. CINOP en willen daarom ook voor de doelgroep NT1-leerders inzetten op innovatie. Daarnaast is de aanpak van lees- en schrijfproblemen bij laaggeletterde deelnemers via klassikale groepstrajecten duur: lange trajecten, kleine groepen en geringe flexibiliteit in het aanbod in de zin van onafhankelijkheid van tijd en plaats. Flexibiliteit en digitalisering van aanbod en voorzieningen is daarom nodig; die is er nu onvoldoende.

Belangrijkste ingrediënten van de methodiek
Uitgangspunt van de door CINOP en te ontwikkelen methodiek is dat online leren het beste vorm gegeven kan worden middels blended learning. Bij blended learning wordt online leren altijd gecombineerd met een vorm van contactonderwijs. In de ontwikkelde aanpak gaat het om een combinatie van groepsles, individuele begeleiding door een docent via Skype, zelfstandig leren en ondersteuning/coaching door een vrijwilliger. Tweede uitgangspunt van de methodiek is dat de docent de regie heeft over het leerproces, de vrijwilliger werkt nauw met de docent samen en heeft een ondersteunende taak. Dat kan zijn het ondersteunen bij digitale componenten zoals de Skypeles (met name in het begin), het aanbrengen van structuur in het leren door op vast momenten met de deelnemer af te spreken of door het begeleiden van deelnemers bij het online leren en groepsactiviteiten. De methodiek richt zich in eerste instantie op de verbetering van taalvaardigheid, maar als bijvangst heeft het ook een positief effect op de verhoging van digitale vaardigheden en draagt zo bij aan een inclusieve samenleving.

NT1-leerders en online leren: kan dat wel en wat is de meerwaarde?
De vraag die vaak wordt gesteld is of de doelgroep NT1-leerders binnen de volwasseneneducatie wel voldoende in staat is om met behulp van de computer en mobiele apparaten te leren. CINOP en menen van wel. De ‘computerdichtheid’ in Nederland is heel groot en dit geldt ook voor het internetbereik. Het aantal mensen dat geen beschikking heeft over een computer, is ook binnen de groep laaggeletterden een minderheid. Hoewel niet iedereen over voldoende digitale vaardigheden beschikt, hebben velen van hen wel een computer, smartphone of tablet. Een digitale methodiek is ook een mogelijkheid voor veel volwassenen waarvoor leren in een groep geen haalbare kaart is, omdat er geen geschikte opleiding of cursus in de buurt is, omdat het moment van de cursus niet uitkomt en soms ook omdat zij liever niet in een groep participeren vanwege gevoelens van schaamte. Voor met name laaggeletterden is de stap naar één of andere vorm van georganiseerd leren erg groot en de mogelijkheid om thuis, achter de eigen computer te leren op het moment dat het hen zelf uitkomt, is een goed alternatief. De cursus of opleiding vormt in zo’n geval geen barrière; de energie kan worden gestoken in het leren zelf. Daarnaast biedt online leren extra mogelijkheden voor maatwerk: er is maatwerk mogelijk door voor elke deelnemer een maatwerktraject klaar te zetten, het direct krijgen van feedback werkt motiverend en door de introductie van gamification (binnen de pilots is geëxperimenteerd met het verdienen van punten als oefeningen goed zijn doorlopen, voor sommige deelnemers reden om extra tijd te besteden!) wordt leren leuk en aantrekkelijk.

Alleen voor NT1?
De ingrediënten van de methodiek zijn niet specifiek voor NT1 leerders ontwikkeld, ook voor NT2 leerders is een variant ontwikkeld. Daarbij kan eventueel een traject volledig individueel worden ingezet, zonder groepsles. Voor de NT1 variant is goed gekeken naar de kenmerken van de doelgroep en is de methodiek daarop afgestemd. Daarom een blended methodiek met groepslessen om contact en vertrouwen tussen docent en cursist op te bouwen en gebruik te maken van de positieve aspecten van leren in groepen. Ook wordt gebruik gemaakt van werken in kleine groepen onder begeleiding van een vrijwilliger en is de Samen Leren App van ingezet om samen leren aantrekkelijk te maken (zie hiervoor ook de bijdrage van Ben Vaske over de Samen Leren App op deze pagina).

Ervaringen tot nu toe
De ontwikkelde methodiek is uitgetest in vier pilotregio’s: Arcus College in Heerlen, Kellebeek College in Breda, Ster College in Eindhoven en het Koning Willem I College in den Bosch. De ervaringen waren over het algemeen positief en bieden perspectief voor de toekomst. Positief vond men de combinatie van elementen, de mogelijkheden voor maatwerk en flexibiliteit, de tijd- en plaats onafhankelijkheid voor deelnemers die ver moeten reizen of onregelmatige diensten draaien en het snel kunnen inspelen op vragen door inzet van de vrijwilliger. Om uitspraken te kunnen doen over de vraag of de methodiek ook niveauverhogend werkt als het gaat om taalvaardigheid kunnen geen valide uitspraken worden gedaan, daarvoor was het aantal deelnemers in de pilots te laag. Wel is aangetoond dat de methodiek bijdraagt aan het vergroten van de digitale vaardigheden en bijdraagt aan sociale inclusie van de deelnemers.

Voor ervaringen van deelnemers, docenten en vrijwilligers, zie ook:

Meer weten?
Voor meer informatie over de methodiek kun je contact opnemen met:
Ben Vaske, 070-7622762;
Ina den Hollander, 06-53959304; ———————————————————————-
Over Stichting Expertisecentrum is het online startpunt voor mensen die hun basiskennis en -vaardigheden verder wil verbeteren. Op de website kun je oefenen met taal, rekenen, internetten en omgaan met geld. Op een laagdrempelige en interactieve manier.
Over CINOP Advies CINOP is een maatschappelijke onderneming die bijdraagt aan het leren van jongeren en volwassenen voor de arbeidsmarkt en samenleving van morgen. CINOP is vooral gespecialiseerd in vraagstukken rondom flexibilisering, arbeidsmarktleren en professionalisering.
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Profile picture for user NSS EPALE Nederland.
NSS EPALE Nederland
Di., 26.02.2019 - 13:14

Deze bijdrage is geschreven door Ben Vaske, directeur Stichting Expertisecentrum is voortdurend op zoek naar nieuwe toepassingen om inhoud bij de doelgroep te brengen die aanvullend zijn op de programma’s van en het leerrepertoire verbreden. De oefenmaterialen op zijn gericht op individueel gebruik. De gebruiker werkt 1-op-1 met de computer. Bekeken is of de mogelijkheid bestaat om oefenprogramma’s te verrijken met oefeningen die gebruikers samen kunnen doen. Er moest een duidelijke link zijn naar het platform door bijvoorbeeld te werken met dezelfde inlogcode. Het moest ook gaan om educatieve meerwaarde, niet om techniek. Geen ‘gadget’ maar onderdeel van het multimedia-aanbod rond programma’s op Dat heeft geleid tot de app Samen leren

Gekeken is naar de uitgangspunten voor samenwerkend leren – coöperatief leren. Een didactisch concept, gebaseerd op samenwerking. Het idee is dat deelnemers niet alleen leren van de docent/begeleider, maar ook van interactie met elkaar. Samenwerkend leren is niet alleen gericht op de ontwikkeling van de eigen kennis en de persoon, maar ook op het verder helpen van de ander. En samenwerkend leren vraagt een uitbreiding van het didactisch repertoire van de docent/begeleider.

Om te kunnen spreken van samenwerkend leren, moet voldaan worden aan de volgende vijf basiskenmerken:
  1. Positieve wederzijdse afhankelijkheid; opdrachten zijn zo gestructureerd dat de deelnemers afhankelijk zijn van elkaar om de opdrachten succesvol te kunnen uitvoeren.
  2. Individuele verantwoordelijkheid; de docent/begeleider kan ieder groepslid aanspreken op zijn/haar bijdrage aan het groepswerk.
  3. Directe interactie; directe, productie interactie is noodzakelijk voor het functioneren van de groep en het leerproces van de groepsleden, daarom mag de groep niet te groot zijn 2 tot 4 deelnemers.
  4. Samenwerkingsvaardigheden; docent/begeleider besteedt expliciet aandacht aan samenwerkingsvaardigheden, begint hiermee vooraf aan het samenwerkend leren.
  5. Evaluatie van het groepsproces; altijd tijd vrijmaken voor het evalueren van de samenwerking. 
Al met al zijn de voorwaarden vrij zwaar om voor de app van te gaan/willen spreken over samenwerkend leren. Bij de ontwikkeling van een aantal werkvormen die mensen in staat stellen om samen te leren, is uitgegaan van werkvormen die:
  • vooral laten zien dat het ‘leuk’ kan zijn om samen iets te doen, en die vooral stimuleren om door te gaan met leren;
  • die meerwaarde leveren in de samenwerking zelf (voldoen aan voorwaarde 1); 
  • door de opdrachten op een bepaalde manier te structureren kun je de wederzijdse afhankelijkheid inbouwen. 
Kortom: We spreken voor deze app over samen leren, met een verwijzing naar het concept ‘samenwerkend’ leren als het gaat om werkvormen die gebaseerd op de wederzijdse afhankelijkheid. Er zijn 11 oefenvormen ontwikkeld die passen in de volgende vijf categorieën: 
  1. Afzonderlijke antwoorden (zoals kies een antwoord of typ een antwoord). 
  2. Volgorde aangeven (zoals sleepoefeningen).
  3. Informatie uitwisselen (zoals de betekenis typen van het gevraagde woord uit de tekst).
  4. Samen oplossen.
  5. Samen oplossen van een gatentekst. 
Bij diverse programma’s op zijn inmiddels aanvullende oefeningen in de app. 

De app is gemaakt voor iPhone- en Android-smartphones (en gratis te downloaden). Je doet opdrachten in groepsverband met ieder een smartphone. De groep bestaat bij voorkeur uit vier spelers, maar het programma werkt ook bij twee of drie spelers. 

De app Samen leren is inmiddels ingezet in de ontwikkelde methodiek voor blended leren voor NT1’ers: Daar werd de app in enkele groepen regelmatig ingezet, bijvoorbeeld om de les op te starten. De app heeft daarbij ook bijgedragen om digitale vaardigheden onder laaggeletterden te versterken zodat zij beter kunnen bijblijven waar zij in de maatschappij mee te maken krijgen. Zeker voor deelnemers met weestand tegen ICT-toepassingen draagt de app bij om kleine stapjes te zetten in het verminderen van de weerstand en het verbeteren van digitale vaardigheden. 

Ben Vaske is directeur van Stichting Expertisecentrum en initieerde de app. gelooft in een inclusieve samenleving en realiseert educatieve en multimediale oefen- en instructieprogramma’s voor volwassenen die basiskennis vaardigheden nodig hebben om mee te kunnen doen. De materialen helpen hen te leren, te groeien en zich te ontwikkelen. De ‘pay off’ luidt niet voor niets: ‘We leren altijd’.  
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Profile picture for user branofrk.
Branislav Frk
Di., 26.02.2019 - 10:56

Hello there!
I would like to share our experience and good practice example with digital adult learning and learning innovation. 
We have developed and provide EPALE online course “Lektorské minimum/ Trainers minimum” for beginners or inexperienced trainers. Our aim is not only to provide a course but also make some promotion for EPALE! Our course is in the Czech language, but I suppose that can be interesting to check it out instead. The course is video based, easy to access and using micro-learning approach. We have reached 500 enrolments first month after launch and we have received pretty good feedback on it. The learning content is delivered not only by online course but also on youtube playlist (all videos) and by chat to a chatbot. Using a chatbot seems like a good idea because users loved chatting with our EPALEbot (which is the name of our chatbot). What we can suggest you from our experience is: make attractive learning content, design a few ways to access your content, micro-learning is the key and try to design your project with deep understanding learners needs. We can recommend you using Learning Design process to develop good digital learning experience. 

Feel free to register and enjoy the course. 
We are thinking about the possibility to translate the whole course to English.
EPALEbot on Facebook: Page 
EPALEbot on messenger: 
 If you have some question, feel free to ask me. 
Thanks, enjoy
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Profile picture for user nmelniju.
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).
Di., 26.02.2019 - 10:29

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to share the experience and some outcomes of the project "Stepup2technology". I am a part of the project team from Klaipeda University, Lithuania. We work in consortium of partners from Italy, Belgium, Spain, Portugal and Switzerland. 

The “Stepping Up to Technology in Adult Education towards Awareness, Assessment and Access” is an ERASMUS+ - project (2017-2019) focusing on building the ICT capacity of adult educators in their specific occupational context. 

The main idea of the project is that the professional development and the quality of educators is one of the most important factors in shaping the quality of adult learning. Adult learning staff help learners to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes. But the traditional role of the educator increasingly changes into that of a coach, a facilitator and a moderator. New professional skills are required for working in new (online and digital) learning environments, to include learning strategies based on ICT (e-learning, blended learning) in the classroom, and to guide and support adult learners throughout their learning processes.

Since new skills are required for planning and using new learning environments with the potential of digital technologies, in the StepUp project the idea is precisely to create and propose some learning activities that make use of the information and communication technologies for the different areas of action of the adult educator. 

According to OER Commons, Open Educational Resources (OER) “are teaching and learning materials that you may freely use and reuse at no cost, and without needing to ask permission. Unlike copyrighted resources, OER have been authored or created by an individual or organization that chooses to retain few, if any, ownership rights.” ( The OER is a movement rooted in the general right to access to education. Under this philosophy, any educator can freely use available pedagogical materials, and also recreate, reformulate or blend it with other materials and pedagogical resources. By actively participating in this co-creation process, each educator can add something new, and also adapt materials to specific contexts and groups, thus contributing to a richer and more meaningful education and training for all. In the adult education domain, OER can also offer the opportunity for change in teaching and learning processes if we are able to encourage educators to explore and use digital technologies for engaging with learning. That is what we are applying in the context of the StepUp project, an Erasmus + project concerning the professional development of people working in adult education.

More information on the process of developing the concept of "open learning activities" can be consulted soon on the project website. 
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